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FENBID 400MG 2016 DIGITAL CONNECTION PLAN Brief Recap KEY MESSAGE 新上市,止痛更强效 Connection Task Convert competitive pain-killer users by convincing them that Fenbid 400mg treats pain more effectively due to its strong efficacy. It treats all types of pain effectively via targeting the pain section Role of Connections: Business: Convert users from other Oral WM OTC brands Consumer: Drive Awareness and Trial among existing painkiller users, including competitive users and Fenbid 300 lapsed users Digital Connection Objective Convince the consumer of the product benefit in an engaging way. Do deep communication to further educate consumer. Convincing Fenbid 400mg treats pain more effective due to its strong efficacy. among existing painkiller users Convey in an Interactive way to engage with the consumers Connection Objective So For Pain Killing, They also crave for EFFECTIVE SOLUTIONS Team Leader Coach Tutor/Mentor Husband When they encounter issues in their leisure & working environment, They always turn to the most effective solutions Consumer Findings Our TA is playing different roles in various relationship, their life is diversified. Digital Communication Strategy Inspire (Campaign Trigger) Convince (Campaign Main Content) Deliver:‘ for Pain, Fenbid 400 is your effective solution,’ via digital interaction/visualization Educate (Vertical & Social Always-On Content) Fenbid 400 contains Ibuprofen, a classic anti-inflammation ingredient that could effectively tackle multiple pains by treating the cause of pain such as inflammation. Resonate with TA’s existing cognition of ‘I always choose effective solution for my problems’ Fenbid 400 Digital Idea 7 Digital Activation ( Inspire ) Inspire them via building relevance between ‘Fenbid 400 is your most effective pain-relieving solution’ & their ‘always use effective solutions for problems’ attitude in their daily lives. “ In the daily lives, I’m accustomed to conquering my issues via choosing the most effective solution. For the same reason, when the pain hits I choose FENBID 400 because it has the same principle.” 强效止痛 类比化 INSPIRE 建立相关性 创意系列短剧 一个神秘又专业的事务所 不管你遇到什么头痛的事 都能提供强效的神技能帮你终结头痛 终结头痛 我有神技 头痛咨询热线 400 * 以下均为Demo, 具体执行会添加其他种类的疼痛,不仅限于“头痛”