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(中文) YT 银行小微企业票据融资业务管理优化研究
Research on management optimization of YT bank’s
small and micro enterprises bill financing business
作者 吴树红导师 吴良平
申 请 学 位 硕士培 养 单 位工商管理学院
学 科 专 业 工商管理 研 究 方 向 企业管理

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\ YT 银行小微企业票据融资业务管理优化研究
摘 要
本研究基于融资结构理论等相关内容,利用文献研究等方法,研究YT 银行小微企
鉴,为 YT 银行小微企业票据融资管理研究提供启发;其次,围绕 YT 银行的客观状况
健全了 YT 银行小微企业的信用评价机制,优化了信用评价流程,构建小微企业票据融
本研究得出相关研究成果,对 YT 银行小微企业票据融资起到了积极的影响作用,
In the process of social economic development, China’s commercial banks have
provided corresponding financial services and support for the development of small and micro
enterprises. Bill Financing has an important influence on the financing business of small and
micro-enterprises, but there are many problems and difficulties, so it is necessary to probe
deeply into the management of Bill Financing for Small and micro-enterprises and provide
systematic solutions.
This study is based on financing structure theory and other related contents, Using
relevant research methods such as literature research and inductive analysis, To analyze the
bill financing management problems of small and micro enterprises of YT Bank, The
corresponding optimization scheme is proposed, The following research results are realized in
the full text: First, This study combed out relevant journal literature at home and abroad,
Analyze and make reference for the successful experience of bill financing for small and
micro enterprises, To provide inspiration for the research of small and micro enterprise bill
financing management of YT Bank; next, Around the objective situation and economic
characteristics of YT Bank, Analysis its copper enterprise and its related small and micro
enterprise customers, The corresponding financing access standards and procedures have been
clarified, Improve the corresponding management organization, management responsibilities
and bill pool and other corresponding optimization plans; once more, Established and
improved the credit evaluation mechanism for small and micro enterprises of YT Bank,
Optimize the credit evaluation process, Build a bill financing management mode for small and
micro enterprises, For its credit investigation system and risk management, The corresponding
optimization strategy is implemented, Established a perfect credit investigation of small and
micro enterprises management files. Finally, strengthen the management and control of bill
financing for small and micro enterprises, and the implementation guarantee of this study is
put forward from three aspects of information technology, marketing service and human
This research obtains relevant research results, which play a positive impact on the bill
financing of small and micro enterprises of YT Bank, and provides reference and reference for
the financing management of other financial institutions in the same industry.
Key Words: Small and Micro Enterprises; Bill Financing; Financing Management;
Credit Risk
IIYT 银行小微企业票据融资业务管理优化研究
1 绪论......................1
1.1 研究背景与意义.............1
1.1.1 研究背景...............1
1.1.2 研究目的...............1
1.1.3 研究意义...............2
1.2 研究综述..................2
1.2.1 小微企业融资困难的研究...............2
1.2.2 小微企业融资风险的研究...............3
1.2.3 小微企业票据融资的研究...............4
1.2.4 文献述评...............4
1.3 研究内容与方法.............5
1.3.1 研究内容...............5
1.3.2 论文框架...............5
1.3.3 研究方法...............6
2 相关概念与理论基础...............7
2.1 相关概念..................7
2.1.1 小微企业...............7
2.1.2 票据及票据融资.................7
2.1.3 小微企业票据融资.............9
2.2 相关理论基础.................9
2.2.1 融资结构理论..............9
2.2.2 融资理论体系............10
3 YT 银行概况及票据融资现状分析与经验借鉴.............11
3.1 YT 银行基本概况................11
3.1.1 银行简介.............11
3.1.2 组织结构.............11
3.2 YT 银行小微企业票据融资业务状况........... 12
3.2.1 小微企业票据融资业务管理现状........12
3.2.2 小微企业票据融资经营状况.........13
3.2.3 小微企业票据融资管理流程.........14
3.3 国内外其它金融机构票据融资经验案例借鉴............15
3.3.1 国外金融业的票据融资管理状况........15
3.3.2 国内金融机构票据融资管理状况........18