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分 类 号 F830.51 单 位 代 码10447
密级 学 号 1940260128
专业硕 士学位 论文
B 银行小微企业信贷风险管理研究
Research on the Credit Risk Management of Small and
Micro Enterprises in B Bank
作 者 姓 名韩艳艳
专 业 名 称 工商管理
指导教师姓名 宋士云教授
学 院MBA 教育中心
论文提交日期 2022 年 6 月
原 创 性 声 明
人人, 独 立 进行究 取
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导师 签 名 : 聊城大学专业硕士学位论文
摘 要
善等因素的存在,B 银行在小微企业信贷风险管理方面还存在一些问题,制约着
B 银行的可持续发展和市场竞争能力的提升。
小微企业信贷风险管理的特殊性,对 B 银行的小微企业信贷风险管理进行了梳理
和总结,指出目前 B 银行小微企业信贷风险管理相关的指标表现并不理想。其
次,通过运用问卷调查法、实地访谈法等方式,对 B 银行的小微企业信贷风险管
理进行了深刻剖析,发现B 银行小微企业信贷风险预警机制不健全、小微企业信
贷风险监督机制欠合理、小微企业信贷风险考核机制不完善等,是 B 银行在小微
企业信贷业务开展过程中面临的主要问题。最后,针对B 银行小微企业信贷风险
In recent years, under the guidance of national policies, my country;s commercial
banks; credit resources have been increasingly inclined to small and micro enterprises,
and B Bank;s small and micro enterprise loan business has also achieved leapfrog
development. However, due to the existence of such factors as the imperfect credit
system of the current credit market, the weak anti-risk ability of small and micro
enterprises, and the imperfect risk management mechanism of commercial banks, B
Bank still has some problems in the credit risk management of small and micro
enterprises, which restricts B Bank sustainable development and improvement of
market competitiveness.
This paper starts from the risk management theory of commercial banks, focuses
on the principles and content of credit risk management, and the particularity of credit
risk management of small and micro enterprises, sorts out and summarizes the credit
risk management of small and micro enterprises in B Bank, and points out that the
current small and micro enterprises in B Bank The performance of indicators related to
credit risk management of micro-enterprises is not satisfactory. Secondly, through the
use of questionnaires, on-site interviews, etc., it deeply analyzes the credit risk
management of small and micro enterprises in B Bank, and finds that the early warning
mechanism of small and micro enterprises in B Bank is not perfect, and the credit risk
supervision mechanism of small and micro enterprises is insufficient. Reasonableness
and imperfect credit risk assessment mechanism for small and micro enterprises are the
main problems faced by B Bank in the process of developing the credit business for
small and micro enterprises. Finally, in view of the problems existing in the credit risk
management of small and micro enterprises in B Bank, on the basis of the principles of
comprehensiveness, objectivity and feasibility, an improvement plan and supporting
measures are put forward, namely, improving the early warning mechanism of small
and micro enterprises; credit risk, optimizing the small and micro enterprises Enterprise
credit risk supervision mechanism and improvement of small and micro enterprise
credit risk assessment mechanism, as well as improving the professional level of
employees, enriching small and micro enterprise credit products in the industry, etc.
Keywords: small and micro enterprise loans; comprehensive risk management; risk
rating techniques; risk management procedures