ABC 公司是一家外资进出口贸易公司,经过近 20 年的发展,存在着如
何管理和增强客户关系管理的不足之处,本论文将 ABC 公司作为研究对象,
首先对 ABC 公司的基本情况做了一个大概的陈述,然后分析了 ABC 公司客
户关系管理现状,通过问卷调查和访谈调查的分析,找出了 ABC 公司客户
关系管理存在的问题。在这基础上,提出了解决 ABC 公司客户关系管理问
优化的保障措施。本论文将客户关系管理的理论应用到 ABC 公司的 CRM 系
关键词 ABC 公司、客户关系管理、客户细分、客户满意度
Along with the development of economic globalization and integration,
customer resources become the lifeline of enterprise development, the
development of the Internet information technology, make the enterprise business
philosophy management idea from the ―product centerto customer center .
Customer relationship management theory has become the enterprises to attract
customers, retain customers, improve customer loyalty management methods, It
is the key for enterprise development in the fierce competition market .
With the increasingly serious foreign trade business, the market competition
is increasingly fierce, more and more serious homogeneity of products and
services, buyers requirements are constantly strengthening and stringent.
Therefore, the foreign trade export enterprises are facing the customer resource
scarcity problem, it is important to develop new customers and keep existing
high-quality customers for an enterprise survival and development. Research
customer relationship management is of great significance and value for foreign
trade enterprise ,with great urgency and necessity as well.
ABC company is a foreign trade import and export company, with nearly
20 years of development, The exist deficiencies is how to manage and enhance
the customer relationship management (CRM) This thesis use ABC company as
research object, take questionnaire survey method to understand ABC company’s
current customer relationship management system situation, we pointed out ABC
company the problems existing in the customer relationship management
(CRM) .Based on this, we puts forward the improvement solution customer
2relationship management, further proposed improve and optimize the scheme, we
presented customer relationship management system optimization match the
system security, personnel security, technology security, and organization security.
In this thesis, we applicated the theory of customer relationship management
(CRM) to company’s CRM system, It has practical significance to improve the
customer relationship management level of China&39;s foreign trade export
enterprises ,the research achievements of this thesis can also provide a reference
for foreign trade enterprise customer relationship management.
Wang Suping (MBA)
Supervised by
Keywords ABC company customer relationship management; customer
segmentation; customer satisfaction.
第一章 绪论 ……...6
1.1 论文研究的背景与意义……...6
1.1.1 论文研究的背景 . 6
1.1.2 论文研究意义 ..... 6
1.2 国内外研究现状7
1.2.1 国外研究现状 ..... 7
1.2.2 国内研究现状 ..... 8
1.3 研究内容与研究方法...10
1.3.1 研究内容........... 10
1.3.2 研究方法........... 11
1.4 论文研究框架...11
第二章 相关理论综述...13
2.1 客户关系管理理论…...13
2.1.1 客户关系管理的含义.... 13
2.1.2 客户关系管理的作用.... 14
2.1.3 客户关系管理系统........ 15
2.2 客户细分……...15
2.3 客户关系管理在中小型外贸企业应用的可行性.…..17
2.3.1 中小型外贸企业的经营特点 .... 17
2.3.2 客户关系管理在中小型外贸企业应用的可行性 ......... 17
第三章 ABC 公司客户关系管理现状...19
3.1 ABC 公司简介..19
3.1.1 ABC 公司基本概况....... 19
3.1.2 ABC 公司的组织架构与企业文化........ 19
3.1.3 ABC 公司客户服务流程 ........... 20
3.1.4 ABC 公司现有客户分类情况 ....21
3.1.5 ABC 公司客户结构…… ..22
3.2 ABC 公司竞争环境分析---波特五力模型分析……..22
3.2.1 供应商的议价能力........ 22
3.2.2 购买者的议价能力........ 22
3.2.3 替代产品威胁 ... 23
3.2.4 潜在新竞争者 ... 23
3.2.5 同行业现有竞争力量.... 23
3.3 ABC 公司客户关系管理现状..23
3.3.1ABC 公司客户开发管理 24
3.3.2ABC 公司客户维护管理 24
3.3.3ABC 公司客户关系管理的技术水平 .... 24
第四章 ABC 公司客户关系管理存在的问题分析 .......26目录5
4.1ABC 公司客户关系管理问卷调查……25
4.1.1 调查目的........... 26
4.1.2 调查问卷设计 ... 26
4.1.3 调查对象和调查方法.... 27
4.1.4 数据处理方法 ... 28
4.1.5 测量指标的描述性统计 28
4.1.6 样本数据的信度分析.... 30
4.2ABC 公司客户关系管理访谈调查…..30
4.2.1 访谈对象........... 31
4.2.2 访谈结果统计 ... 31
4.3ABC 公司客户关系管理存在问题…..33
4.3.1 缺乏客户价值分类........ 33
4.3.2 缺乏对潜在客户的挖掘.........