在高校的体育选项课中,民族传统体育项目还是占有很重要的地位的。我们 尝试一种摒弃了传统陈旧的教材和教学大纲,改革了单调的教学内容的高校民族 体育项目,它不仅可以体现民族特色,传承民族文化,也极大地丰富了高校体育 课堂。 在我国,毽球这一民族传统体育项目有着悠久的历史,它同时兼具民族特色、 地方特色和艺术特色。同时,毽球运动经济方便,不受场地和人员限制,比较适 合我们河北省高校体育经费紧张的实际情况,是一项适合普遍推广的终身体育项 目。 本文的研究对象是河北省范围的普通高等学校,并且我们深入实际考察这些 学校体育选项课的现状,采用多种研究方法,分别从毽球的历史,毽球运动在我 国的开展情况,毽球的特点,有关人员对在河北省高校开设毽球选项课的意愿, 河北省高校开设毽球选项课的场地以及师资情况的可行性进行了分析论证。 通过调查我们得到以下结论 (1)毽球运动是一项经济实用,安全方便,操作简便的体育运动,非常适合 在河北省高校体育选项课程中开展起来。 (2)在调查中我们发现,同意在河北省高校开设毽球选项课的一线体育老师 占到了 87.5%,表示赞同的学生占到了被试对象的 80.2%,由此我们不难看出, 在河北省高校开设毽球选项课的必要性。 (3)合理利用各高校现有场地资源,加强毽球师资力量培养,自编或购买毽 球运动的相应教材,在河北省普通高校开设毽球选项课是可行的,应尽快将其纳 入体育教学计划。 (4)我们应该在河北省高校现有的条件下,利用有限的资金加强我们师资队 伍的建设,开辟多种有效资源搞场地建设,创设一套适合我们河北省高校大学生 教材,尽快地将毽球选项课在河北省高校当中开展起来。 关键词:河北省普通高校;毽球选项课;可行性Abstract The national traditional sports still plays an important position in elective courses of college sports. The colleges and universities try a national sport classes which abandon the traditional old textbooks and curricula and change the monotonous teaching content. It can not only reflect the national characteristics, national culture heritage, but also greatly enrich the classroom college sports. In China, as a national traditional sport, shuttlecock has a long history. Also it has national characteristics, local characteristics and artistic characteristics. At the same time, Shuttlecock sport is economical, convenient and it is not limited by space and staff numbers so it is adaptable to actual situation of financial constraints of college sports in Hebei Province. Shuttlecock is a life-long sport suitable for general promotion. This study targets colleges and universities in Hebei Province, and makes a deep study of the actual status of physical education class options in these colleges. By using many research methods, this paper makes a feasibility analysis and demonstration at the aspects of the history of shuttlecock, the situation in our country, the characteristics of shuttlecock, the will of the staff when setting up Shuttlecock optional classes in colleges and university of Hebei Province, the place and teachers’ situation of the optional classes. Through the investigation the following conclusions are drawn: First, shuttlecock sport is an economical and practical, safe and convenient sport that are easy to operate so it is suitable for physical education class options in Hebei colleges. Second, in the survey it is found that teachers who agree to set up shuttlecock optional class account for 87.5% and tested students who agree account for 80.2%, which proves to be necessary for physical education class options in Hebei colleges. Third, in colleges and universities existing venues should be used rationally; teachers training for shuttlecock should be strengthened; appropriate materials of shuttlecock should be compiled or purchased. Shuttlecock elective course is feasible in colleges and universities of Hebei province and should as soon as possible be included in physical education programs. Last but not least, under existing conditions of colleges and universities, colleges and universities should strengthen their faculty buildings using limited funds, open up a variety of effective resources to engage in site construction and compile a set of teaching materials for our college students in Hebei Province, optional course for the shuttlecock should be started in colleges and universities of Hebei province as soon as possible. Keywords: colleges and universities of Hebei province; shuttlecock optional class; feasibility目 录 中文摘要 Ⅲ 英文摘要 Ⅳ 引言 3 1 文献综述 4 1.1 毽球的简介4 1.2 毽球的历史5 1.3 毽球的分类6 1.4 毽球器材、场地及相关规则 6 1.4.1 毽球场地的规格 6 1.4.2 毽球场地设施 7 1.4.3 场地要求7 1.4.4 场地器材规格 7 1.4.5 毽球的材质7 1.5 毽球运动的特点8 1.6 毽球运动的功能8 1.6.1 毽球运动可以改善和提高人的身体素质8 1.6.2 毽球运动可以培养人的心理健康9 1.6.3 毽球运动可以培养人的审美情趣9 1.7 毽球运动在我国开展情况 9 1.7.1 全国毽球运动开展情况 12 1.7.2 河北省普通高校毽球运动开展情况12 1.7.3 关于毽球运动的相关研究 13 2 研究对象与研究方法 14 2.1 研究对象14 2.2 研究方法14 2.2.1 文献资料法14 2.2.2 访谈法14 2.2.3 调查法17 2.2.4 数理统计法173 研究结果与分析 18 3.1 河北省普通高校开展毽球选项课的必要性18 3.1.1 河北省普通高校开设毽球选项课是社会发展的需要 18 3.1.2 河北省普通高校开设毽球选项课有利于学生塑造良好的个性和潜能 19 3.1.3 河北省普通高校开设毽球选项课有利于发展人际关系和协作能力20 3.1.4 河北省普通高校开设毽球选项课有利于培养学生终身体育思想20 3.1.5 河北省普通高校开设毽球选项课有利于弘扬民族传统体育文化22 3.2 河北省普通高校开展毽球选项课的可行性分析22 3.2.1 河北省普通高校具备开展毽球运动的基础条件(背景、政策支持等) .............................................................................................................................22 3.2.2 河北省普通高校开设毽球选项课具有学生基础 23 3.2.3 河北省普通高校具备开设毽球选项课的场地 23 3.2.4 河北省普通高校具备开设毽球课的师资和技术 25 3.3 河北省普通高校开设毽球选项课教学计划26 3.3.1 河北省普通高校开设毽球选项课的教学目标 26 3.3.2 河北省普通高校开设毽球选项课的教学内容 26 3.3.3 河北省普通高校开设毽球选项课的教学重点 27 3.3.4 河北省普通高校开设毽球选项课的学时与计划 28 3.3.5 河北省普通高校开设毽球选项课的考核办法 29 4 结论与建议 30 4.1 结论 30 4.2 建议 30