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随着我国体育教育改革的不断深入,全面推进素质教育的过程当中,轮滑 被一些有条件的高校纳入到体育课教学当中。然而我国的轮滑运动相对于其他 一些发达的欧美国家而言起步要晚的多,无论是竞技性还是群众性轮滑运动的 基础都比较薄弱,因此对我国顺利开展轮滑教学活动具有一定的制约性。 轮滑是一项青少年极为喜爱的体育运动,是集健身、娱乐、竞技为一体的综合 特征较强的新兴运动项目,同时轮滑运动对培养终身体育意识,对高校学子的 社会适应能力的提高都不失为是很好的运动项目。因此,轮滑运动进入高校对 促进高校的素质教育和学生的个性发展培养具有重要的意义。轮滑运动在江西 省近几年发展比较迅速巳形成了一定气候,但从轮滑运动在江西省普通高校的 体育选课所占比重来说江西省的轮滑课教学还处于比较薄弱的起步阶段。 本文以江西省10所普通高校(2所开设了轮滑选修课的高校和8所未开设 轮滑课的高校)作为研究对象,采用访谈法、问卷调査法、文献资料法和个案 分析法对轮滑在江西省普通高校中的开设的可行性进行较为细致和全面的分析 后最终得出以下结论: 1. 江西省普通高校在近年发展过程中无论是轮滑课程开设还是教学设施方 面都有了一定的提升,为江西省轮滑运动的广泛开展提供了有利条件。 2. 江西省普通高校在轮滑选修课程的开设中还存在不足:不具备正规的轮 滑运动场地,从事轮滑教学的师资队伍还有待加强。 3. 可通过经济投入完善体育场地设施、强化教师专业水平培训办法解决这 制约因素。相信在实验性循环中不断完善教学硬、软件设施,轮滑课程教学定 会在江西省普通高校体育教学中成功普及推广。 关键词:江西省;普通高校;轮滑运动;可行性; 报告随机验证编9: BT5107014730 IV 江西省普通高校开设轮滑选修课的可行性研究 ABSTRACT To promote quality education, skating is taught by some colleges and universities as a Conditional Sport. However, we started skating later than developed European and American countries, both for athletics and recreation, so the development of China's skating has lagged behind. Skating is a popular activity for young people. It is an extremely popular exercise, for entertainment and sports value, because of the highly integrated features of the emerging sport. It not only features aspects of traditional sports, but also meets the interest of college students to develop hobbies and personality and is new and exciting. Skating on the train promotes lifelong awareness of the development of public health. It especially a good sport to help the university student' s physical, mental and social capabilities. Thus it is of great significance to promote skating in the colleges and universities in order to help quality education and college sports, as well as the personality development of students regarding new interests and hobbies. While skating in Jiangxi Province has developed rapidly in recent years, it basically has reached the formation of a certain climate in colleges and universities, but its penetration is still largely at the initial, relatively weak, stage. Skating elective courses will fully play their due role in college sports programs as an important means of education. In this paper sixteen colleges and universities in Jiangxi (2offer elective courses in skating, 8 universities and colleges and universities do not offer skating lessons) are the object of study, using interviews, questionnaires, documents and materials, mathematical statistics and case analysis to examine skating in the Jiangxi Province and the feasibility of the creation of a more detailed and comprehensive analysis of the final report of the following conclusions: 1. The colleges and universities in Jiangxi province in recent years the development process either skating courses or teaching facilities had certain promotion, for the Jiangxi province to carry out a wide range 论义随机验证编3: BT5107014730 V 江两省普通高校开设轮滑选修课的可行性研究 of roller skating provided favorable conditions. 2. Jiangxi Province ordinary university elective courses in roller skating is insufficient: do not have formal skating sports venues in roller skating teaching, the teachers have to be strengthened. 3. through the economic investment improve sports facilities, strengthening the teachers' professional level training solutions to this restriction factors. Believe in experimental cycle continuously improve the teaching of hard, software infrastructure, roller skating teaching will be in the Jiangxi Province ordinary university sports teaching in the successful popularization. Key words: Jiangxi province; colleges and universities; the roller skating; feasibility; 报告随机验证编&: BT5107014730 VI 江丙省普通髙校丌设轮滑选修课的可行性研究 目录 1 mm - 3 - 1. 1选题依据 一 3 - 1.2选题目的和意义 -4 - 2文献综述 -5 - 2. 1轮滑运动概述 -5 - 2.2我国高校中轮滑运动的发展概况 -6 - 2. 2. 1对我国高校开设轮滑课的研究 -6- 2. 2. 2对开展轮滑运动意义的研究 -8 - 3研究对象与研究方法 -9- 3. 1研究对象 -9 - 3. 2研究方法 -10 - 3.2.1文献资料法 -10- 3. 2. 2调查法 -10- 4硏究结果 -13- 4.1江西省高校开设轮滑选修课的现状分析 -13 - 4. 2江西省普通高校开设轮滑选修课的必要性分析 -14 - 4. 2. 1江西省高校开设轮滑选修课是当代大学生的运动兴趣取向 -14 - 4. 2. 2轮滑课程的开设有助于江西省普通高校体育整体性教学目标实现........-16 - 4.3江西省普通高校开设轮滑选修课的可行性分析 -22 - 4. 3. 1江西省普通高校学生对轮滑运动的认知程度 -22 - 4. 3. 2江西普通高校轮滑课师资队伍现状分析 -23 - 4. 3. 3江西省普通高校开设轮滑选修课的课程安排和教学场地的调查 -25 - 4. 3. 4江西省普通高校学生对轮滑装备的购买经济力的调查 -26 - 5个案硏究 -28- 5. 1案例背景 -28 - 5. 2九江学院轮滑选修课的开展现状及问题研究 -29 - 5. 2. 1九江学院轮滑选修课的课程设置状况分析 -29 - 5. 2. 2九江学院轮滑师资队伍建设情况分析 -31 - 5. 2. 3九江学院轮滑场地情况分析 -31 - 论义随机验证编BT5107014730 江西省普通高校开设轮滑选修课的可行性研究 6江西省普通高校开设轮滑选修课的对策 -32- 6.1加大宣传力度,强化学生对轮滑运动的认识 -33 - 6.2提升高校轮滑教师队伍的专业水平 -33 - 6.3加快正规轮滑场地的建设 -34 - 6.4优化轮滑课程设置结构 -35 - 7结论与建议 -37- 7. 1结论 -37 - 7.2建议 -37 - 7. 2.1江西省普通高校应根据自身条件合理、规范地推进轮滑课程的开设.....-37 - 7. 2. 2加强教学设施建设,为江西省普通高校轮滑课程开展奠定坚实基础.38 -