I 摘要 2017 年 4 月 1 日,中共中央、国务院印发通知,决定设立雄安新区作为新的国家级 新区。这一决定一直被认为是“千年大计,国家大事”。随着城市化进程的加快,对于 城市问题的研究也逐渐增多,尤其是对于城市形象的树立、传播等方面的研究。雄安新 区虽然刚刚设立,由于它的特殊性,其形象问题会影响到城市的竞争力。而位于雄安新 区中心位置的白洋淀虽然一直以旅游景区、自然保护区等形象存在于人们的印象之中, 但是白洋淀也拥有着丰富的历史人文资源。在这种情况下,把白洋淀作为一个抽象的符 号进行考察,论证它对于雄安新区历史文化建设,精神指引以及形象传播等方面作用。 一方面是希望能够完善城市符号的理论,另一方面为雄安新区的建设提供可借鉴的意 义。 本文首先对于城市符号的理论渊源以及符号和城市符号等相关概念进行梳理和总 结,根据符号以及城市符号的相关特点概括出城市符号的条件和要素,并将相关理论用 于分析白洋淀作为雄安新区城市符号的可行性。随后通过和雄安新区其他的符号进行对 比,通过白洋淀在社会、经济、精神三个层面的优势来证明白洋淀比其他符号具有优势, 可以更好的发挥城市符号的作用。 最后,白洋淀作为雄安新区的城市符号,具有双层的符号系统。第一层是作为功能 性产物,包括自然生态景观、标志物、节点等;第二层则是白洋淀作为精神象征和文化 指引上的内涵方面的意义而存在。 本文认为,雄安新区的建立是社会进步的需要,历史的选择,为了更加高效的完成 “疏解北京非首都功能”,必须要树立一个个性鲜明,内涵丰富的城市符号。白洋淀以 其独特的环境风貌与人文精神,承载了许许多多的历史回忆与城市记忆。因此把白洋淀 作为雄安新区的城市符号也是必要的。 关键词 符号 城市符号 白洋淀 雄安新区Abstract II Abstract The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council printed and distributed to inform to setting up Xiongan New Area as a new national district on February 1st at year 2017.As another national new district following Shanghai Pudong and Shenzhen, Xiongan New Area is considered to be a “million-year plan, a major national event”, so its planning and construction have also become the focus of attention. Since the establishment of Xiongan New Area has a high station position and a high starting point, it is not only necessary to consider the important role of “resolving Beijing ’ s non-capital functions”in the future construction, but also necessary to ensure the competitiveness of the city and to reflect the city's own Features. Baiyang Lake is one of the focal points of the construction of the Xiongan New Area. It is a landscape cultural site that maintains the ecological balance in northern China and inherits historical culture. This article aims to investigate Baiyang Lake's role in reflecting the urban characteristics and urban connotation of Xiongan New Area through the interpretation of Baiyang Lake. On one hand, it hopes to provide feasible suggestions for the construction of urban symbols in Xiongan New Area, and combines the symbol construction of Baiyang Lake with the development of the city. On the other hand, it hopes to be able to help to improve relevant theoretical studies of urban symbols. This paper will first sorts out the theoretical origins of urban symbols, and then summarizes related concepts such as symbols and urban symbols. Based on the related characteristics of symbols and urban symbols, it compares the urban symbols of major cities at home and abroad, and analyzes the conditions that can constitute urban symbols and elements. The second and third chapters will analyze the meaning of Baiyang Lake and compare several groups of symbols in Xiongan New Area. Baiyang Lake has the advantages of being a symbol of Xiongan New Area in aspects like the geographical location, development potential, social function, economic, and spiritual levels. In the future development, Baiyang Lake can also be combined with the development of urban science and technology to integrate traditionalAbstract III cultural folklore into life. It will become a living culture. Finally, based on the double meaning system of the extensions and connotations of the symbol proposed by Roland Barthes, the paper will display the functional role of Baiyang Lake and the significance and value of the urban symbol of Xiongan New Area. As China grows and develops, it will also pay more attention to the construction of spiritual and cultural connotations in cities. City builders need a forward-looking vision. Through the study of Baiyang Lake, it has systematically demonstrated the environmental outlook and humanistic value, and hopes to play a certain theoretical support and reference for the construction of Xiongan New Area. Keywords Symbol City Symbol Baiyang Lake Xiongan NewArea目 录 IV 目 录 绪 论1 第一章 城市符号的要素及其形成条件10 1.1 城市符号的理论渊源及相关概念辨析10 1.1.1 城市符号的理论渊源10 1.1.2 城市符号相关概念辨析11 1.1.3 城市符号的特点13 1.2 成为城市符号的条件14 1.3 构建城市符号的要素15 1.3.1 国内与国外的城市符号 15 1.3.2 城市符号的要素17 第二章 白洋淀成为雄安新区城市符号的条件和要素 20 2.1 白洋淀成为雄安新区城市符号的条件20 2.2 白洋淀成为雄安新区城市符号的要素21 2.2.1 白洋淀是雄安新区历史的见证者 21 2.2.2 白洋淀是雄安新区文化生产的源泉 21 2.2.3 白洋淀是雄安新区城市精神的传播者 23 2.3 白洋淀成为雄安新区城市符号可创造性的要素与条件 23 2.3.1 湿地保护再创绿色生态 24 2.3.2 历史文化重遇现代文明 25 第三章 与雄安新区城市符号其他可能的标的物的比较 26 3.1 成为雄安新区城市符号的可能标的物26 3.1.1 容城“三贤”26 3.1.2 宋辽古地道26 3.1.3 晾马台遗址与明月禅寺 26 3.1.4 雄县大牌楼27 3.2 白洋淀与其他城市符号可能标的物的比较 27目 录 V 3.2.1 白洋淀比其他符号可承载的城市内涵更丰富27 3.2.2 白洋淀比其他符号的可识别性更强 29 3.3 白洋淀成为雄安新区城市符号的优势29 3.3.1 社会层面,城市形象的建立 29 3.3.2 经济层面,对城市发展的促进作用 30 3.3.3 精神层面,增强城镇居民认同感与自豪感 31 第四章 白洋淀成为雄安新区城市符号的意义与价值32 4.1 作为功能性产物的白洋淀32 4.1.1 作为“节点”的白洋淀 32 4.1.2 作为“标志物”的白洋淀 33 4.1.3 作为“旅游产品”的白洋淀 34 4.2 作为精神象征和文化指引的白洋淀34 4.2.1 作为精神象征的白洋淀,勤奋坚韧,厚德包容,开放创新34 4.2.2 文化指引的白洋淀,文化传承和城市记忆的载体35 4.3 城市景观的意象来源37 结 论38