图书馆是储藏、归类图书以便人们阅读的一类组织,它承担了保存世界文明、整理 信息、教育大众的功能。高校图书馆担负着辅助学校教学科研活动以及人类文明传承的 重任。互联网和信息技术的飞速发展、信息获取渠道来源的多样化,既给高校图书馆的 发展带来了机遇,也带来了很大的挑战。抓住信息技术不断发展的机会,高等学校的图 书馆采用标准化的管理方式,能够更好地辅助大学的教学工作和科学研究工作。与此同 时,现在的环境变化越来越快,如何适应不断变化的图书馆外部环境,克服图书馆发展 中遇到的种种问题,向更好的方向发展,对高等学校的图书馆来说也是很大的挑战。 高等学校图书馆如果想跟上技术发展的趋势,实施标准化管理,就要意识到必须加 强人力资源的管理,充分发挥人力资源管理的核心作用。员工敬业度是源于内心的、努 力工作、甘于奉献的一种状态,而机构主要的职责之一就是为员工的成长提供更好的机 会,达到机构与员工的双赢。在工作中,敬业的员工愿意向外部传达所在机构的价值观, 愿意保护机构的利益,愿意发挥出创造性,最终形成服务客户、不断创新的氛围,这些 都会增长组织绩效。培养图书馆员工的敬业精神,实现图书馆长远发展目标是摆在面前 的一个重要课题。但是在现实工作中发现部分图书馆员工出现了迟到早退、消极怠工、 服务态度差、对图书馆事务不关心、得过且过、前进动力不足等现象。所以,需要了解 目前员工的敬业度水平如何、是普遍现象还是个别现象、导致目前状况的原因是什么。 在对以往文献中敬业度的涵义和影响因素等方面进行综述后,以中部某省 7 个普通 本科高校的图书馆员工作为调查对象,研究高校图书馆员工的敬业度。通过前期的半结 构访谈和对文献的梳理,确定了影响员工敬业度水平的工作因素。工作因素包括 6 个方 面,工作特征、薪酬满意度、领导成员交换关系、组织认同、组织公平、工作—家庭增 益。本文作者参考以往研究中的量表并依据研究需要,设计了调查问卷,包括调查对象 的人口统计特征、敬业度水平和影响敬业度水平的因素,有效回收调查问卷 332 份。 通过对收集数据的统计分析,得出如下主要结论,图书馆员工整体敬业度水平尚可, 但是可提高的空间也非常大;不同性别、不同年龄和不同教育程度的员工敬业度水平存 在差异。从性别来看,女性图书馆员工的敬业度高于男性。从年龄来看,随着年龄的增 长,敬业度水平在上升,直到接近退休的年龄段开始下降。在影响敬业度的工作因素中,II 薪酬水平、组织公平和工作特征影响较大;领导成员交换关系居中;组织认同和工作— 家庭增益居后。在薪酬方面,员工觉得工资水平低,工资提升幅度慢;组织公平方面, 员工认为分配公平和程序公平做得不好;工作特征方面,员工感觉工作枯燥乏味和从事 的工作不重要;在领导成员交换关系方面,领导对员工的了解和关心还需要投入更多。 针对数据分析的结果,提出了具体的敬业度提升策略。在工作岗位设置方面,安排 工作要与员工性格特点相结合,灵活轮岗,设定有挑战性的工作目标,对员工进行职业 生涯规划以及竞聘上岗。建立学科馆员制度,使图书馆更有针对性地服务学校科研工作。 对于薪酬管理,根据某些岗位的特殊性,发放补贴,并提供灵活的福利政策,充分发挥 工会丰富员工活动的作用。加强沟通,尤其是重要决策的沟通和员工绩效考评的沟通。 强调并宣传图书馆能为员工提供的隐性福利,增强员工认同感和归属感。建立起读者第 一、开放包容、勇于创新、关心员工的图书馆文化。其他措施如加强职业认同、提升职 业尊重、参与决策和提供更多的学习提升机会也具有提升敬业度的作用。 最后,说明了论文研究中存在的局限性,并展望了未来可能进行研究的方向。 关键词,高等学校,图书馆,敬业度III ABSTRACT The library is an organization that collects and organizes books and materials for people to read. It has functions such as the preservation of human cultural heritage, the development of information resources, and participating in social education. University libraries are responsible for the teaching activities and research activities of the auxiliary schools and the inheritance of human civilization. With the rapid development of the Internet and information technology, the diversification of information access channels has brought both opportunities and great challenges to the development of university libraries. With the opportunity of extensive use of high technology, the implementation of modernization and standardized management of university libraries will help to play its role better in service teaching and scientific research. But on the other hand, in the context of rapid changes, how to keep up with the pace of development, solve a series of problems in management and service, and achieve leap-forward development is also a challenge for university libraries. In order to follow the development pace of information and realize modern management, university libraries must fully understand the importance of human resource management and regard the management of human resources as the core of all management. Employee engagement is a kind of heartfelt, willing and proactive active, and one of the most important responsibilities of the organization is to provide a dedicated atmosphere for dedicated employees and achieve a win-win situation for the organization and employees. In practice, the more employees are dedicated, the more they communicate organizational values actively, maintain organizational interests, and improve the creativity, thereby achieving customer orientation, innovation orientation, and self-growth of the management system. Finally, these will increase organizational performance. Cultivating the professionalism of librarians and realizing the goals of the library is an important issue. However, in the real work, some library employees were found to have late, early leave, negative absenteeism, and poor service attitude, no concern about library affairs, over-and-out, and lack of motivation. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the current level of employee engagement, whether it is a common phenomenon or an individual phenomenon, and what the cause of the current situation is.IV After reviewing the meanings and influencing factors of the previous degree of engagement in the literature, the employees of seven university libraries in a central province were investigated to study the employee's engagement. Through the preliminary semi-structured interviews and the reviewing of the literature, the working factors and personality factors that affect the level of employee engagement are determined. The work factors include the following: job characteristics, salary satisfaction, leadership member exchange relationship, organizational identity, organizational justice, work-family enrichment. According to the previous scales and research needs, the questionnaire was designed, including the demographic characteristics, the level of engagement and the factors affecting the level of engagement, and 332 questionnaires were effectively collected. Through the statistical analysis of the data, the main conclusions are drawn. The overall level of engagement of library staff is acceptable, but the room for improvement is also very large. There are differences in the level of employee engagement between different genders, ages, and education levels. In terms of gender, female library employees are more engaged than male. From the age point of view, as the age increases, the level of engagement increases, until the age group close to retirement begins to decline. Among the factors affecting the degree of engagement, salary level, organizational fairness and job characteristics have a greater impact. Leader-member exchange relationships are in the middle. Organizational identity and work-family enrichment are behind. In terms of remuneration, employees feel that wages are low and wages increase is slow. In terms of organizational fairness, employees believe that distribution fairness and procedural fairness are not well done. As for job characteristics, employees feel that work is boring and their work is not important. With regard to leader-member exchange relationships, leaders need to invest more in understanding and caring for employees. According to the results of data analysis, specific tactics are proposed. In terms of post establishment: the arrangement of work and employee personality characteristics, job rotation, setting challenging work objectives, career planning and competition for post. To establish a subject librarian system to enable the library to serve the school's scientific research more specifically. For compensation management, employee are provided