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我国随着改革开放,物质生活的丰富,科技的发展带动了现代生产材料与现代科技 产品的先进,人们的物质环境有了质的改变。人们在单一的物质生活得到满足的同时, 对精神层次的需求也越发的紧迫了。随着人们对精神需求越发的重视,设计这个行业便 开始出现并发展繁荣起来,改变着单一的物品属性,影响着我们的日常生活。 现代设计艺术品收藏在国外已有非常完整的收藏体系,并形成了产业化的发展,而 我国在设计艺术品收藏方面仅处于起步阶段,发展也十分缓慢。国内现阶段收藏的种类 都是传统意义上的,如书画,瓷器杂项,当代艺术等,其实传统的藏品都是在由各个时 期创造出的“当代”物品,如同现代的设计艺术品。开展设计艺术品的收藏对我们国家 的历史文化发展来说是刻不容缓的,这是由我国现在的社会经济发展决定的,我国正处 于一个由粗放型向创意型、品牌型转变的关键期,开展设计艺术收藏,建立设计博物馆 有助于我国的产业发展和城市文化的建设,并能促进设计行业的发展,给公众提供精神 诉求的寄居地。设计艺术品收藏不但要为今天而收藏昨天,还要为明天而收藏今天。 本文分为四个部分,首先对当代设计艺术品的发展状况与收藏的范畴做了界定,对 收藏的目的与意义做了简单的解析。然后对古代艺术品收藏的发展脉络及现今民众对其 的收藏行为进行分析,对国外的设计艺术品收藏进行分析,如设计博物馆的收藏,艺术 机构与拍卖机构的收藏与收藏机制、收藏内容和收藏目的,为国内的设计艺术品收藏做 可行性研究的参照。接着对国内的设计品收藏现状做了概述和分析,从博物馆的收藏行 为和民间收藏形式两方面着手,官方博物馆有设计收藏门类的并不多,如,中央美院美 术馆、广东博物馆、M+、香港文化博物馆、包豪斯设计博物馆等一些艺术机构和少数 高等艺术院校有较为明确的设计艺术方向的收藏制度,大量的公共收藏机制还处于临时 性、偶然性的阶段。在私人的设计品收藏上,列举了许燎原设计博物馆(中国首家私人 设计博物馆),并对其馆藏内容和博物馆馆厅功能进行介绍。对公众进行的民间收藏类 别,如家具、现代玉器、现代瓷器做了介绍,阐释了民间收藏的发展阶段,以期通过科 学理论研究使其上升到系统层次。最后,通过上述大量的事实为依据,对我国设计产业 与国家发展的关系作分析,提出设计品收藏对国内设计产业、工业产业,城市振兴与发 展,人们精神文化的满足上的促进和推动作用,提出进行设计艺术品收藏是社会的必要II 趋势,并在文章的最后对设计艺术品收藏的发展做出战略化的研究,从多方面努力来发 展和促进设计品收藏的市场化与稳定化。 关键词,设计品, 收藏, 可行性, 博物馆, 策略性III ABSTRACT With the reform and opening-up policy launched in China, the material gets rich. At the same time, the development of modern science and technology lead to a critical change of the physical environment. When people get satisfied in the single living life, their demands on the spiritual level become more and more urgent. As a result, the industry of design begins to emerge and flourish. With changing the properties of a single article, it affects people’s daily lives. Collection of modern design products in foreign countries has developed into a very complete system of collection, which even forms a industrial development. However design collection in China has just stay in its infancy at a very slow speed. Collection at home are all domestic species, such as calligraphy, porcelain miscellaneous and contemporary art. In fact traditional collections are regarded as modern items in each period, so it’s imperative to begin the collection of design art in China, which is also determined by the current socio-economic development in the country. For this critical period of transferring from extensive to creative and brand-based transformation, it’s helpful for the development of Chinese industry and urban culture to carry out the design collection , and the establishment of the Design Museum which is just sojourn for the public mental demand. Collection is not only to keep the item yesterday for today but also keep the certain one today for tomorrow, Focusing on the present and the future of urban development , it is an implementation of the new concept, giving a full play in leading and revitalizing the city 's economic and cultural development. This paper is divided into four parts. Firstly it defines the concept of contemporary design products and the collection, which triggers the analysis of the design of product collections. Secondly, based on the public analysis of collections of ancient crafts at present, it illustrates the equal value between the modern design products in future and today's antique porcelain. Through the study of foreign collection, such as collections in design museum, the art collection and mechanism in art and auction collection institutions, and collection contents it provides the standard for the feasibility of domestic collections. Then it makes an overview and analysis of the present state of domestic collection. From the perspective of the behavior from the museum's collections and auction houses, the categories of the official museum design collections mainland are not so many, like Guang Dong Museum, Art Museum in China, Central AcademyIV of Fine Arts Museum, M +, Chinese International Design Museum and other art institutions, few art colleges which is characterized a more clear set of collections and collection system. A large number of systems of public collections is still in a temporary and occasional stage. Meanwhile for the private collection of design products, it makes an introduction of collections’ content and function, as well as the museum hall. Xu liaoyuan Design Museum as China 's first private design museum is such an example. Thirdly, on the basis of the facts, it analyzes the direction of design industry in China, then proposes its promoting effect for the domestic design product, industry, urban revitalization, and meeting people’s spiritual and cultural needs which proves the feasibility and necessity for the development of the collection of design products. Finally, the article makes a strategic study on product design to advance the marketization and stabilization of collection of design products from multi-disciplinary approaches. KEY WORDS: design products, collection, feasibility, Museum, strategic studyV 目 录 摘要.........................................................................................................................................I ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................. III 目 录.......................................................................................................................................V 绪 论........................................................................................................................................1 一、研究意义.....................................................................................................................1 二、国内外研究现状及文献综述.....................................................................................2 1.国外研究状况........................................................................................................ 2 2.国内研究状况........................................................................................................ 2 三、研究方法.....................................................................................................................3 1. 文献综述法............................................................................................................. 3 2. 比较分析法............................................................................................................. 3 3.案例分析法............................................................................................................ 3 4.综合法.................................................................................................................... 3 第一章 当代设计品与收藏的定义理解与分析....................................................................5 第一节 国内当代设计艺术品的范畴.............................................................................5 一、设计艺术品的相关概念......................................................................................5 二、对当代的限定.....................................................