关键词:薪酬分配;激励性;优化研究MBA 学位论文 作者:薛轶心 甘肃汇能新能源公司员工薪酬体系优化研究
In the past five years, Huineng company successively set up the New Energy Design & Research
Institute, Carbon Asset Management Company and Maintenance Company, actively expand the
business and constantly formed the chain-development of new energy industry . As the project
development, design&consulting, operation maintenance development gradually, market
competition gradually fierce, personnel situation gradually complicated, the single post salary
system can’t effectively matching with the company&39;s development stage.The problems between
the continuous development of the company and staff incentive become the most prominent
problem except the policy level. How to effectively integrate internal and external resources,
perfect the organizational framework, establish synchronous compensation system to improve
the position, skill and income associated with competitive incentive constraint mechanism, is
particularly important.
The paper analyzing the existing salary distribution system of the Huineng Company., to
manage the basic problems as the starting point, design more reasonable, incentive salary
distribution system by analyzing the company’s structure, the total compensation approval and
salary distribution way.
Based on the above analysis, combined with the incentive theory and compensation theory,
through position analysis, value evaluation, compensation structure design and implementation
of management, to optimize the company&39;s existing salary distribution system research, make the
company&39;s compensation system fully fit the company’s development stage,characteristics and
strategies. Through the implementation of the safeguard measures, adjusts and optimizes the
employee distribution system in time, and continually improvement mechanism of
Finally, through the evaluation for optimization design of compensation system, make the
company more competitive, fairness, incentive and achieve maximum benefit maximization and
the interests of the employees.
Key words: salary distribution; incentive; optimization designMBA 学位论文 作者:薛轶心 甘肃汇能新能源公司员工薪酬体系优化研究
第一章 绪论...........1
一、 选题背景及意义......1
(一) 选题背景........1
(二) 研究意义........1
二、 研究内容及框架......2
(一) 研究内容........2
(二) 研究框架........3
三、 研究方法和技术路线..........3
(一) 研究方法........3
(二) 技术路线........3
第二章 理论基础...5
一、 激励理论综述..........5
(一) 内容型激励理论........5
(二) 过程型激励理论........7
二、 薪酬理论综述..........9
(一) 薪酬的定义及结构....9
(二) 薪酬管理理论..........10
三、 薪酬体系基本类型12
(一) 岗位工资制..12
(二) 技能工资制..12
(三) 绩效工资制..13
(四) 结构工资制..13
四、 薪酬体系设计的原则........13
(一) 公平原则......14
(二) 激励原则......14
(三) 经济原则......15MBA 学位论文 作者:薛轶心 甘肃汇能新能源公司员工薪酬体系优化研究
(四) 合法原则......15
第三章 行业背景及公司简介.....16
一、 行业背景及特点介绍........16
(一) 新能源产业面临的问题......16
(二) 面临的机遇分析......17
(三) 甘肃新能源装机及发电情况..........18
二、 汇能公司简介........19
(一) 发展现状和组织架构..........20
(二) 发展战略及薪酬战略..........23
三、 汇能公司人力资源结构及现状....24
(一) 汇能公司人员构成..24
(二) 汇能公司人力资源现状分析..........24
四、 汇能公司薪酬体系现状分析........27
(一) 公司薪酬总额核定概述......27
(二) 薪酬分配构成..........29
(三) 公司现行薪酬体系存在的问题及成因分析..........31
第四章 汇能公司员工薪酬体