本文研究的 YH 公司是一家新能源设备制造商,其生产的光伏面板产量位居同行
前列,近年来遇到了需求大幅波动和行业产能过剩的不利环境,YH 公司选择了生产
线外包和主业集中于提供新能源系统解决方案的发展战略。论文对 YH 公司的生产线
关键字:生产线外包 核心竞争力 外包过程管理
作 者:尤立波
指导老师:周华明英文摘要 YH 公司生产线外包管理研究
Production Line Outsourcing Management
of Company YH
After 30 years reform and opening policy in China, the enterprises developed very
fast by taking advantage of cheap labor and low cost. But lot of enterprises facing
bottleneck under economic “New Normal” situation, they are facing big challenge of low
cost module. Production line outsourcing is the main method for some enterprises
transformation and upgrading under current situation. By the way of production
outsourcing to reduce the management pressure, made enterprises focus on core business
to achieve the enterprises transforming and upgrading. This is the wise choice for
enterprises in east industry developed area.
The case study company YH Company is the manufacture of new power equipment
producer, the amount of photovoltaic panel forefront among the industry. But facing the
environment of demanding unstable and industry overcapacity, Company YH selected the
strategy of production outsourcing and keep its core business in supply new power system
solution. The article analyzed the decision of production outsourcing and management,
investigate the problems during invite bids, contract control, employee transfer, production
plan, quality control and supply chain management etc. And provide the related solution.
The article provide a successful case on manufacturing enterprises to implement
production outsourcing management by the point of view on practical use..
Key words:Production Line Outsourcing Core currency Outsourcing process
Written by:You Libo
Supervised by:Zhou Huaming目 录
第一章 绪 论 .......1
1.1 研究背景.......1
1.2 研究内容......2
1.3 研究方法与框架......3
第二章 文献综述与理论概述 .......5
2.1 生产外包的内涵......5
2.2 国内外文献研究与综述......6
2.3 相关理论概述...........9
2.4 生产线外包的流程12
第三章 YH 公司生产线外包的决策......14
3.1 YH 公司概况..........14
3.2 生产外包的 SWOT 分析..16
3.3 外包目标的确定....18
3.4 外包服务商的选择20
第四章 生产线外包的过程管理.26
4.1 外包生产线的人员交接与管理....26
4.2 生产线外包的合同管理....29
4.3 外包生产线的生产管理....31
4.4 生产线外包的质量控制....36
4.5 生产线外包的供应链管理37
4.6 YH 公司生产线外包后的管理......38
第五章 结论与展望 .........40
5.1 YH 公司生产线外包的经验总结..40
5.2 需要进一步研究的内容....42
参考文献 .....43
致 谢 .....46YH 公司生产线外包管理研究 第一章 绪 论第一章 绪 论
1.1 研究背景
从语源上看,outsoursing 作为一个英语词汇最早出现在 1982 年,然而外包作为