Objectives of internal control is to ensure the reliability of financial reporting ,
efficiency and effectiveness of operations and compliance with laws and regulations.
Internal control self-assessment report two important content , the first one is the
establishment and implementation of the internal control system , the main five
elements of internal control and key control activities , and the second block is the
problem of the internal control system set up or run encounter. As long as there is
insufficient internal controls on the one hand , no matter how good internal control
other aspects of operation of the internal control objectives are still unable to reach ,
so the research factors generate internal control deficiencies listed companies is
necessary . What are the factors that in the end will lead to companies with internal
control deficienciesThose factors are more important thenThis is clearly a need to
solve problems through empirical . Therefore, this article from the perspective of the
ownership structure of the departure , the use of empirical analysis of Listed
Company's internal control .
This will combine the perspective of contemporary academia emerging
ownership structure, internal control of listed companies a new way to observe,
analyze shareholding structure of listed companies for the impact of its internal
control and ownership structure of listed companies to explore the impact of its
internal control mechanisms. First, the paper will analyze the academic integration of
existing defects based on different angles of internal control of listed companies for
the reasons put forward in the past inadequacies of view , this reflects the academic
value of this article. Subsequently , the paper describes the main theoretical
knowledge will be the first article in the need to use theoretical knowledge to
introduce part will be divided into two , one is the power structure of the theory of
knowledge , a theoretical knowledge of internal control. Then , the paper will be
before the various theories expounded chapters , combined with the status quo power
structure controlling shareholders of listed companies as well as internal ,
shareholders of listed companies the power to influence the structure of the internal
control mechanism of action hypothesis . After the proposed hypothesis , the paper
will use the empirical model and the number of proven mechanism of action . Finally,
the article will draw the relevant conclusions , recommendations, and problem solving
academic prospects at the end.
Key Words:Listed companies; Internal control;Internal control deficiencies;
Ownership structure; Influencing factors