关键词: 广发银行,市场定位,目标市场
Since China’s accession into WTO, the opening of financial market has constituted
much menace to the survival and growth of China’s small- and medium-sized
commercial banks; and at the same time, the severe economic and financial situation at
present has posed many challenges for their capacity for adaptation and adjustment. As
a commercial bank with its own historical background, China Guangfa Bank is is still
under reconstruction while other commercial banks are in rapid development; despite its
moderate growth in size, it is still lagging behind other shareholding commercial banks.
Facing the same financial situation and the same target clients, China’s commercial
banks, be it state-owned or small- and medium-sized, resemble in strategies of
marketing positioning. Since China Guangfa Bank enjoys no competitive edge over
state-owned commercial banks in terms of history, overall size, and human capital, and
what is worse, it is at a disadvantage in terms of capital scale and network coverage, it
would be difficult or even impossible to enhance the competitiveness for China
Guangfa Bank without proper and feasible marketing positioning strategy.
Starting from the concepts of market segmentation, target market and market
positioning in marketing, this thesis shows a thorough analysis of the status quo and the
existing problems in the target market positioning of China Guangfa Bank, Dalian
Branch, and proposes some practical approaches or recommendations for its enhanced
competitiveness after the exploration of its external marketing environment and internal
advantages and the analysis of its related business and financial data.
The thesis is expected to speed up the transformation of China Guangfa Bank,
Dalian Branch into a full-function commercial bank and provide some insights into the
ways to make it more competitive in domestic and international financial markets and
much stronger in this increasingly severe financial situation.
Key Words: China Guangfa Bank, Dalian Branch; market positioning, target market