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关键词:品牌管理,品牌战略,品牌定位,小家电ABSTRACTSmall and medium businesses as an important component of national economyare developing rapidly in the environment of market economy. However, thedevelopment of small and middle-size enterprises is hindered in many aspects,theprimary one is the lacking of the concept of brand management.Currently, the vast majority of small and medium businesses of small appliancesmarket have great potential. However, because of the small sizes of these enterprises,inevitably comes with some the constraints. As market competition intensifies,strengthen the management of the brand is a general trend. This essay is focusing onthe market environment of small-medium appliances and problems in brandmanagement of the businesses,, applying the theory and application of brandmanagement and using Jiuyang Company as a case to study and analyze the marketenvironment and the problems in brand management, such as the post-sale publicrelation of branding, the lack of culture propaganda in branding and the poor solutionto branding crisis . Moreover, this essay also combines the development strategy andthe related theories,putting forward the argument that brand positioning of Jiuyangshould based on market environment and the situations of the products. The brandconcept should focus on theme and culture of itself. The short-term goal of brandingshould make Jiuyang becoming the most fashionable and health-oriented brand. Thelong-term goal of branding should make Jiuyang becoming world-renowned brand.The conclusion of this essay is that in construction and maintenance of brand strategy,enterprises should closely follow the guidance of the market and adjust the marketingstrategies accrording to changes of it, using innovative spirit as a powerfulproblem-solving mechanism, focusing on increasing the influence and recognition ofthe brand, cultivating brand awareness in the potential customer-base, while in theprocess of brand promotion, make sure to be more aware of brand protection,building more diversified and professional sales channels, establishing publicrelations systems and providing guidance and support for the management ofbusiness.Keywords: brand management, brand strategy, brand positioning, small appliances1绪论1.1研究背来和意义1.1.1小家电市场的新机遇在中小家电类产品的市场空间非常巨大,至少有千亿元。除了电饭锅、电风扇等相对较于研发完善的产品所在的市场环境巳趋于成熟外,其它的小家电品类仍有巨额的市场空间等待发掘。而对应的,由于消费环境培养的相对成熟,小家电市场在巨大的市场基础上仍有着蓬勃朝气的成L<:空间。根据相关调查,八成以上的消费者认同小家电在自己的家居生活中扮演的角色口趋重要,而六成以上的消费者则认为小家电已经成为新生活时尚的代表,不再是奢侈的家庭消费(赵勃升,2011)。与此同时,小家电相对于大家电等白色家电来说使用寿命更短,这也督促消费者的更换速度,如此高的消费频率也激励着整体行业的稳增。





1.1.2市场状况的变化需要企业加强品牌管理如今的国内家电行业彳严然过渡到了靠品牌取胜的时期,而在这个行业大部分遇冷的时候,一个以小著称的小家电集群却正悄然生K,它受到了成千上万家庭的宠爱,它的便利、高雅、实用、时尚不断赢得消费者关注,它赢得了市场的瞩_ M也走上了行业细分的道路。从萌芽到强壮,至今国内小家电行业己逐步壮人为