GF 公司担保公司作为其中的一员,其发展也遇到了瓶颈。本文主要研究的对象是 GF
担保公司的产品开发策略,目的是希望能够通过对相关理论的研究分析,结合 GF 公
论、品牌理论等。基于上述理论的研究,结合对 GF 公司自身产品及产品开发策略存
在的问题进行分析,找出问题的成因,最终确立了 GF 公司产品开发策略制定的方向,
最后,希望通过这些产品开发策略的制定和实施能够使得 GF 公司在激烈的市场
关键词: 产品开发策略 品牌 差异化 GF 担保公司
作 者:周 奔
After twenty years of development,our guarantee industry is more and more mature.
Industry competition is increasingly fierce.The customers have more and more
requirements.All of these made a problem which constraints the development of GF
Guarantee Corporation.As a member of the industry,there some problems with GF
company. The object of this research is the product-strategy of GF company.Based on the
related theorys and the situation of itself,we hope there is a product-strategy which meets
the company can be made. This strategy can improve its products and ultimately have
competitive advantage in the industry.
There is theory of product life cycle, product differentiation, new product exploitation
and brand.Based on these theories and the product situation now,we fand the direction of
product-strategy that is based on the differentiation strategy, and to take into account both
new product development and brand construction. Is is finally proposed some guarantee
conditions , such as the policy support, hish value from management, the construction of
information system, etc, which are guarantee conditions for implementation of
At last, I hope that through these product-strategy formulation and implementation to
make GF company be the dominate one in the fierce market competition.
Key words: product-strategy; brand; differentiation; GF guarantee corporation
Written by:Zhou Ben
Supervised by:Xue Yu hua