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“ZNA皮卡车型市场营销策略优化研究_MBA毕业论文PDF”第1页图片 图片预览结束,如需查阅完整内容,请下载文档!
西安理工大学工商管理硕士专业学位论文 fundamentalchanges inthecurrent marketingdrawbacksand improvethemarket competitiveness and product sales of the company. In this paper, the optimization of ZNAs pickup truck marketing strategy is studied in depth, starting from the analysis of the marketing environment and sorting out the shortcomings of ZNAs effectiveness in reaching target customers. Through the analysis of the current marketing situation and the application of classical marketing theories such as PEST analysis, Porters five forces model and SWOT analysis, the target customers of ZNA pickup truck models are accurately positioned and a seriesof optimized marketing strategies are proposed. These marketing strategies mainly include improving the sales network and promotion methods, improving the marketing capacity of dealers and regions, and further optimizing the customer acquisition methods of ZNA pickup truck models. At the same time, this paper also formulates corresponding strategy implementation safeguards for continuous tracking and adjustment, providing specific operational guidance for the marketing of ZNA pickup truck models to ensure that theoptimized strategies canadapt to market changesand changes intarget customers needs in the long term. The results of this paper have certain reference value for the marketing strategy optimization of ZNA pickup truck models and also provide certain reference significance for research in related fields. In future marketing research, companies should understand the needs and preferences of target customers through market research and analysis, and continuously adjust and optimize their marketing strategies to adapt to market changes and changes in consumer demand, so as to achieve their long-term development goals. Key Words: Automotive industry; pickup truck models; marketing stra