ZZ 银行房地产开发贷款风险管理研究
高 杰
导师姓名职称 王宇副教授
申请学位类别 管理学工商管理
论文提交日期 2022 年 9 月 28 日 论文答辩日期 2022 年 12 月 10 日
学位授予单位 长安大学The study on risk management of real estate loan
of ZZ Bank
A Thesis Submitted for the Degree of Master
Candidate:Gao Jie
Supervisor:Wang Yu
Chang’an University,Xi’an,China 论 文独 创性 声 明
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论 文作者签名 : 2 0 2 2 年 9 月 2 8 日
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论文作者签 名 :/V202 2 年 9 月 2 8 日
导师 签名 : 2 0 2 2 年 9 月 2 8 日 摘 要
现不确定因素,并且风险事项贯穿着整个开发流程。2020 年 8 月份,央行联合住建部针
对我国房地产开发企业设定了“三道红线”的管理要求,2021 年中国人民银行、中国银
本文从 ZZ 银行角度出发,建立在现有的风险理论基础之上,同时参考同行业的风
从信用风险、市场风险、操作风险、法律风险4 大风险类型及14 个风险因素构建风险
通过对上述问题的分析,本文得出以下结论:(1)ZZ 银行房地产开发贷款面临4
大风险类型中信用风险占比权重最大,占比 51.76%,其次是操作风险、市场风险、法律
风险;(2)综合 ZZ 银行房地产开发贷款面临的各类风险因素权重得出房企资金风险、
After decades of rapid development, the real estate market has made great contribution to
China;s economy. The real estate development loan has also become the key area of loan
issuance by various banking institutions.Real estate projects generally have a long
construction cycle and a large amount of construction capital, which is a typical
capital-intensive industry. Therefore, in the process of large capital demand and long-term
development, uncertain factors often occur, and risk matters run through the whole
development process.Of housing and urban-rural development, the People;s Bank of China in
2020 in Beijing seminar for real estate enterprises put forward the requirement of "three line",
in 2021 the People;s Bank of China, bank of China insurance regulatory commission on
banking real estate development loans issued "two red line" policy, makes the uncertainty of
the future market change is more and more huge.Therefore, in order to ensure that the
commercial bank;s loan funds can safely and efficiently support the real estate project
development, and in order to ensure the security of the commercial bank;s credit funds, it is
particularly important to study the risk management ability of ZZ bank;s real estate
development loans.
In this paper, from the perspective of ZZ Bank, based on the existing risk theory, and
referring to the risk management experience of the same industry, through literature review,
expert interview and other ways to establish the risk factor list of ZZ Bank real estate
development loan, using analytic hierarchy processThe risk evaluation system is constructed
from the four risk types of credit risk, market risk, operational risk, legal risk and 14 risk
factors, and the specific countermeasures are put forward as well as the implementation
guarantee to improve the risk management ability.
Through the analysis of the above problems, this paper draws the following conclusions:
(1) Among the four major types of risks faced by ZZ Bank;s real estate loans, the weight of
credit risk accounts for 51.76%, followed by operational risk, market risk and legal risk; (2)