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分 类 号 单 位 代 码10447
密级 无学 号 1940260124
专业 硕士学 位论文
A 银行人才流失问题研究
Research on the brain drain of A banks
作 者 姓 名路媛媛
专 业 名 称 工商管理
指导教师姓名 公维才 教授
学院 MBA 教育中心
论文提交日期 2022 年 6 月原 创 性 声 明
研 究 取 得 的
人: 人下立 进 行
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摘 要
市 GDP 增速放缓,不良贷款集中暴露,作为经济主体重要参与者之一的商业银行,生
L 市整体银行业面临的重要课题。A 银行是 L 市入驻的第一家股份制商业银行,也是
本 文 对 A 银 行 具 有 代 表 性 的 三 名 离 职 人 才 进 行 深 度 访 谈 , 并 以
Price-Mueller(2000)模型为基础,设计了在职员工的工作满意度调查问卷,对 A 银
i 聊城大学专业硕士学位论文
In recent years, L city real economy operation is difficult and lack of stamina, coupled
with the impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the city;s GDP growth rate slowed
down, non-performing loans concentrated exposure, as one of the important participants in
the economic body of commercial banks, the living environment is becoming more and
more difficult, how to maintain the stability of the talent team in the harsh environment, to
achieve the benign development of banks has become an important issue facing the overall
banking industry in L city. Bank A is the first joint-stock commercial bank in L City, and it
is also a second-level branch under the jurisdiction of a state-owned commercial bank. In a
complex business environment with various difficulties superimposed and various
contradictions intertwined, the overall business development pressure is unprecedented, the
salary level of employees is not as good as before, coupled with the poor internal
management of the bank, resulting in a large number of talents leaving the bank, which
seriously affects the bank;s business development. Attracting and retaining talents,
enhancing corporate cohesion and reducing the brain drain rate have become urgent
problems for the bank to solve.
In this paper, we conduct in-depth interviews with three representative departing talents
of Bank A, and based on the Price-Mueller (2000) model, we design a job satisfaction
questionnaire for active employees to explore the brain drain problem of Bank A.
Combining the results of the exit interview and questionnaire, the main reasons for the
bank;s talent loss were summarized as "four not enough": insufficient sense of security,
insufficient sense of purpose, insufficient sense of achievement and insufficient sense of
In view of the above reasons, drawing on the theory of hierarchy, two-factor theory and
fairness theory, in order to give talents the opportunity to make money - treatment retention,
give talents the opportunity to do things - career retention, give talent development
opportunities - career retention, give talent exchange opportunities - corporate culture
ii 聊城大学专业硕士学位论文
retention and other "four gives" as the starting point, to achieve the purpose of better
attracting talents and retaining talents, and to provide a steady stream of endogenous power
for the healthy and sustainable development of enterprises.
Key Words:Commercial bank; brain drain; differenttial incentives