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|i^ ^Z 银行江西分行绿色营销策略优化研究
摘 要
Z 行作为根植赣鄱大地百年的国有金融机构,一直以来积极贯彻党中央关于绿色金
争力,进一步提升市场占有率。本文通过对 Z 行当前绿色金融营销中存在的问题进行分
面临的问题,分析了 Z 行当前所处的市场状况与同级金融机构的市场份额和营销策略,
运用绿色营销及相关理论,通过比较分析法、文献分析法、找出 Z 行绿色营销存在的问
题,指出了问题出现的原因。并针对问题产生的原因,为 Z 银行江西分行进行绿色营销
层面给了相应的优化建议,并针对 Z 行江西分行的现实状况,提出了实施绿色营销优化
Z bank as earth grounding jianxi province state-owned financial institutions in one
hundred, has been actively implement the party central committee about green financial
strategy, at the request of the provincial party committee, the provincial government, with the
demand of the headquarters of the financial power work to carry out the green economic
development, make the financial power to achieve high quality development of green
economy, in the future to get a good mark in the professional field. However, as the country
increasingly attaches importance to green finance and various financial institutions increase
their efforts in green finance, the market competition is increasingly fierce. Z Bank is
relatively backward in the market competition with its peers. Therefore, it is necessary to
improve the product marketing strategy to improve the market competitiveness and further
increase the market share.
This article mainly from jiangxi in the process of writing the current green financial
policy research, system analysis problems of its development, analyZes the Z line before the
market situation and financial institutions at the same level of the market share and marketing
strategy, on the basis of the theory of green marketing, and related, through comparative
analysis, literature analysis, find out the problems of Z bank in green marketing, The reason
for the problem is pointed out. In addition, according to the causes of the problems, I
optimiZed the green marketing strategy for Jiangxi Branch of Z Bank, defined the long-term
and short-term goals, and gave corresponding optimiZation suggestions from different
strategic levels such as physical display, promotion, channel, price and product. In addition,
according to the realistic situation of Jiangxi Branch of Z Bank, Put forward the manpower
guarantee, organiZation guarantee, incentive guarantee and technology guarantee of
implementing the green marketing optimiZation scheme.
Key Words: green Marketing; product; MarketingproductStrategy; 7ps;
II Z 银行江西分行绿色营销策略优化研究
1 绪论 ..............1
1.1 研究背景............1
1.2 研究目的与意义............ 1
1.3 研究内容及方法............ 2
2 相关理论介绍 .............3
2.1 基本概念及相关理论 .........3
2.1.1 金融营销.......3
2.1.2 绿色营销.......3
2.1.3 绿色金融营销 ..........4
2.1.4 7P 营销策略组合....... 4
2.1.5 STP 战略 .......6
2.2 相关文献综述 ........6
2.2.1 国内研究文献 ..........6
2.2.2 国外研究文献 ..........8
3 Z 银行江西分行绿色营销情况分析 ........ 10
3.1 金融行业绿色营销概况......10
3.1.1 金融行业与绿色发展 ..........10
3.1.2 江西绿色营销环境分析........10
3.2 Z 银行江西分行绿色金融营销情况分析...... 17
3.2.1 产品策略运用情况 .....17
3.2.2 渠道策略运用情况 .....18
3.2.3 促销策略运用情况 .....19
3.2.4 人员策略运用情况 .....19
3.2.5 营销过程策略运用情况........19
3.2.6 价格策略运用情况.....19
3.2.7 有形展示策略运用情况........19
3.3 Z 银行江西分行绿色营销存在的问题 ........ 20
3.3.1 营销对象相对固化 .....20
3.3.2 价格策略运用欠缺 .....21
3.3.3 产品竞争力不足 .......21
3.3.4 人员策略、有形展示需要进一步提升...22