I 摘要 从新中国成立再到现在,我国的民用航空业取得了很大的进展,随着进入攻坚 “十三五”、谋划“十四五”的关键时期,宏观经济“稳中有变”中呈现“持续回 暖”。在“高质量发展”理念总体指引下,民航业作为国民经济基础产业,以提升 “安全、保障、航班正常、旅客满意”为着力点,全面夯实行业发展根基,激活发 展动力。 作为国内一家中型航空公司,SA 航空公司从创立以来,取得了非常显著的成 绩,尤其是它的连续盈利成绩,在业界中也是一直被称道和赞同的。公司在成立之 初的几年时间内,不仅成长迅速且还在市场上取得了良好的效益,在一批又一批的 成员努力下,在民航运输市场取得了一定的影响力和知名度。但同时,SA 公司在 集中精力快速发展之时,没有及时意识到公司的人力资源管理、管理体系建设等内 部管理方面与公司发展存在差距,二者之间的匹配度逐步降低,这对于公司的人才 建设和员工激励方面都具有一定的消极影响。目前 SA 公司大部分员工属于管理岗 位与服务岗位,职能管理工作难以量化,考核的指标无法精准定位,指标指导性弱。 现有的绩效考核沿用以往模式,未能体现公司的战略发展形态,也无法产生较强的 员工激励性。SA 公司前期发展重在业务市场和安全规范方面,故在绩效考核的制 度建设、考核推行的改善及保障方面还有很多需要提升的地方。 本文一共有六个章节。首先梳理借鉴国内外学者的绩效管理理论、绩效管理方 法与流程的可参考之处,再结合对 SA 公司的员工问卷调查、员工访谈等调查资料, 针对性地对公司现在实施的绩效考核模式及或存在不足进行了详尽的诊断和分析。 同时以目标管理法、关键性绩效指标和项目考核等理论性可参考办法,针对在诊断 中发现的一系列问题,以分解目标、完善考核方案、明细考核指标、设计考核标准 等措施优化改进公司绩效考核方案。通过采用定量的数据指标考核和定性的完成 质量、态度等方面相结合的考核方法,建立公司“星级员工”绩效考核体系。在创 新优化绩效考核方案与流程的基础上,改善员工对绩效考核的观念,提升员工工作 积极性与团队协作力,提升绩效管理的激励性,强化绩效管理保障,将个人发展与 公司战略发展相结合,实现二者同进步共发展。 关键词:绩效管理,体系诊断,绩效考核体系ABSTRACT II ABSTRACT The civil aviation in People’s Republic of China has made considerable progress since the country was established in 1949. With implementing the 13th Five-Year Plan and planning the 14th Five-Year Plan, the continuous recovery appears in the macro- economy which is generally stable with slight changes. Under the guidance of high- quality development philosophy, the civil aviation, one of the basic industry in the national economy, focuses on safety, security, regular flights and passengers’satisfaction, and consolidate the foundation of the industry development and activate development force. As a medium-sized airline in China, Sichuan Airlines has achieved remarkable accomplishments since its inception, and is well known and praised for its consistent profit by the industry. It has grown rapidly within a few years of its establishment and achieved good market efficiency, forming a certain degree of corporate recognition and influence. However, the internal management does not match the rapid development of business, especially in the field of human resource management, which has not played the role of optimizing and motivating talents. At present, most of the employees are in management and service positions, and it is hard to quantify the management work and measure the key performance indicators (KPI) precisely. The existing performance management system follows the previous model, which fails to reflect the company's strategicdevelopment andmotivateemployees. SichuanAirlines focused onthebusiness, market and safety in the early stages, so more improvements are essential in the areas of building performance appraisal system. This thesis consists of six parts, based on the performance management theory of domestic and international scholars, performance appraisal management methods and processes, combined with the employees’ questionnaire, interviews and other methods, the thesis focus on the analysis of the performance appraisal model and its current situation in Sichuan Airlines. Relying on the theoretical tools, such as Management by Objectives,KPIandProjectAppraisal,aimingat aseriesofproblems foundafteranalysis, this thesis proposes measures of target decomposition, improving Appraisal Program, specifying KPI, determining criteria of assessment, etc. to improve the company’s Performance Appraisal Program. The company should establish the performanceABSTRACT III appraisal system of“Star employees”by adopting the combination of quantitative and qualitative indicators. On the basis of innovative performance appraisal program and process, the company should improve employees’ perceptions of performance appraisal, enhance their work enthusiasm and teamwork, increase performance management incentives, ensure performance management, and integrate personal development with company strategic development for mutual improvement and progress. Keywords: performance management, system diagnosis, performance appraisal system目 录 IV 目 录 第一章 绪论....................... 1 1.1 研究背景及意义... 1 1.1.1 研究背景... 1 1.1.2 研究意义... 2 1.2 研究目的及内容... 3 1.3 研究思路及方法... 4 1.3.1 论文的分析思路...................... 4 1.3.2 论文主要采用的方法.............. 4 第二章 理论综述............... 6 2.1 绩效考核相关理论.............................. 6 2.1.1 绩效考核的定义...................... 6 2.1.2 绩效考核的研究发展 ............. 6 2.1.3 绩效考核的作用...................... 7 2.1.4 绩效考核体系设计.................. 8 2.1.5 绩效考核体系改进................. 9 2.2 绩效考核主要方法............................ 10 2.2.1 目标管理法(MBO)............11 2.2.2 关键绩效指标(KPI).......... 12 2.2.3 项目考核法............................ 13 2.2.4 平衡计分卡法........................ 14 2.3 本章小结............. 15 第三章 SA 公司员工绩效考核体系现状分析............................. 16 3.1 公司概况............. 16 3.2 公司组织架构..... 16 3.3 人员结构分析..... 17 3.3.1 年龄结构. 18 3.3.2 学历结构. 18 3.3.3 员工岗位分布........................ 19 3.4 公司绩效考核的现状........................ 20 3.4.1 现阶段月度绩效考核办法.... 20目 录 V 3.4.2 现阶段年度绩效考核办法.... 22 3.5 现行绩效考核办法问题诊断............ 23 3.5.1 问卷调查. 23 3.5.2 员工访谈. 32 3.6 现行绩效考核办法存在的问题及原因分析................... 34 3.6.1 实施考核的出发点不明确.... 34 3.6.2 对绩效考核的认知和重视不足........................... 35 3.6.3 考核指标体系缺乏针对性和合理性................... 35 3.6.4 考核过程与结果更重表现.... 36 3.6.5 个人目标和企业战略相关度低........................... 36 3.6.6 绩效考核的沟通反馈不足.... 36 3.6.7 绩效各管理环节脱节............ 37 3.6.8 整个绩效考核体系不完善.... 37 3.7 本章小结............. 37 第四章 SA 公司员工绩效考核体系优化方案............................. 39 4.1 绩效考核体系优化的目的和原则.... 39 4.1.1 目的......... 39 4.1.2 原则......... 39 4.2 绩效考核体系改进优化设计............ 40 4.3“星级员工”绩效考核体系................. 41 4.3.1 绩效管理目标优化................ 41 4.3.2 绩效考核制度及过程的优化 41 4.3.3 绩效考核内容优化................ 42 4.3.4 组织目标分解优化................ 42 4.3.5 员工绩效考核指标优化........ 43 4.3.6 绩效考核结果应用................ 49 4.3.7 绩效考核结果反馈、申诉与改善....................... 50 4.4 本章小结............. 52 第五章 SA 公司员工绩效考核体系优化实施保障..................... 53 5.1 加强绩效管理的组织团队建设........ 53 5.1.1 落实各部门责任,完善绩效管理....................... 53 5.1.2 明确相关组织职责................ 53 5.2 强化绩效管理参与者的培训............ 53目 录 VI 5.3 强化绩效管理的过程控制................ 54 5.3.1 加强管控绩效计划阶段........ 54 5.3.2 落实绩效各环节过程控制.... 54 5.4 绩效考核的改进与完善评价............ 54 5.4.1 是否有建立标准的制度与监督机制................... 54 5.4.2 是否符合公司总体战略目标 54 5.4.3 是否过程中注重公平性与激励性....................... 55 5.4.4 是否做好绩效反馈与沟通.... 55 5.4.5 是否有效利用考核结果........ 55 5.5 本章小结............. 55 第六章 结论与不足......... 56 6.1 本文结论............. 56 6.2 研究不足............. 56 6.3 研究展望............. 57 致 谢 58