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人才资源是企业生存和发展的必要要素。随着行业竞争的加剧,企业之间的竞争更多 表现为拥有技术的人才竞争。如何更好地留住人、用好人成为现代企业人力资源管理中关 注的重要议题,解决这一议题的关键是设计体现公平的、科学合理的薪酬体系,达到能够 激发高水平人才的潜能,实现企业可持续发展的目标。 本文选取国有独资的A公司作为研究对象,其当前正处于快速的发展阶段,员工离职 率高以及关键岗位人才缺失成为制约企业战略目标实现的一个主要问题。以相关人力资源 管理理论及文献为支撑,首先,描述了A公司薪酬管理的现状,分析了人员流失与关键岗 位人才短缺的原因;然后,聚焦公司战略,依据岗位,设计应有的薪酬体系;然后,在现 实与理想的薪酬体系对标的过程中,提出了对策建议和保障措施,旨在解决A公司面向战 略实现的人力资源管理问题。 通过上述研究,得到如下结论: (1)A公司当前员工薪酬管理体现了地方国有企业的普遍性,识别了影响薪酬满意度 的因素。通过问卷调查,解析、识别了影响员工薪酬满意度的因素:薪酬水平、组织分工、 情感报酬、薪酬管理制度与绩效考核。 (2)影响A公司员工满意度的主要因素是薪酬管理制度,而员工薪酬满意度不会受 到员工个人特征信息的显著影响。 (3)A公司员工薪酬管理应遵循运作流程-岗位设置-薪酬设计的逻辑。国有A企业聚 焦于战略目标的实现,细化其主营业务的运作流程,针对流程设置岗位,并依据岗位不同 弹性设计薪酬。 关键词:薪酬管理,岗位评价,薪酬策略 江苏大学工商管理硕士(MBA)学位论文 II Abstract Talent is the essential factor for the survival and development of an enterprise. With the increasing competition in the industry, the competition between enterprises reflects the talent competition. Modern enterprises attach great importance to talent construction and human resource management, which requires enterprises to develop a more scientific and reasonable salary system, so that high-level talents can really enter and stay, and fully stimulate the potential of talents, so as to provide a strong talent guarantee for the healthy and long-term development of enterprises. Company A is an educational and training enterprise. From the perspective of scale, this enterprise is a small and medium-sized enterprise, which is currently in a period of rapid development, with a high turnover rate and a serious shortage of talents in key positions, which greatly reduces the overall operation efficiency of the enterprise and makes it difficult to form a core competitive advantage in the future development and competition. The author chooses company A as the research object, introduces the advanced salary management experience of some enterprises through literature search, and makes A scientific salary management plan according to the actual situation of company A. First, a brand new job evaluation and analysis; Secondly, the compensation strategy for the posts with serious understaffing should be adjusted to ensure that the compensation structure is more competitive and incentive. Finally, constantly adjust and optimize employee benefits. In the last chapter, the author puts forward the relevant scheme implementation safeguard measures to ensure that the above measures can be truly implemented. The author analyzes the current situation and existing problems of salary management in company A, and puts forward optimization measures on this basis. The author introduces the advanced salary management theory highly praised by the current academic circle, and finally selects the incentive theory as the theoretical basis of this paper. After that, the author analyzes the current situation of salary management in company A and the competitive situation in the industry. A comprehensive use of A variety of methods, from the compensation system, structure, model, bonuses and benefits and other aspects of company A 江苏大学工商管理硕士(MBA)学位论文 III pay situation in-depth investigation and research, these methods not only include literature review and questionnaire survey, but also include employee interviews and industry benchmark comparison method. The author USES SPSS statistical analysis tool to analyze the reliability, correlation and validity of the questionnaire on the basis of data analysis. Through the research, it is found that the reasons for the high turnover rate of company A and the serious shortage of employees in some positions mainly include the following aspects: the low level of welfare, the lack of scientific compensation strategy, and the unreasonable compensation structure. Through literature search and the introduction of advanced salary management experience of some enterprises, A scientific salary management scheme was developed according to the actual situation of company A. First, a brand new job evaluation and analysis; Secondly, the compensation strategy for the posts with serious understaffing should be adjusted to ensure that the compensation structure is more competitive and incentive. Finally, constantly adjust and optimize employee benefits. In the last chapter, the author puts forward the relevant scheme implementation safeguard measures to ensure that the above measures can be truly implemented. Key words:Compensation management;position evaluation;Compensation strategy 江苏大学工商管理硕士(MBA)学位论文 目 录 第1章 绪论 .. 1 1.1 研究背景 ......................... 1 1.2 研究意义和目的 ............. 2 1.2.1 研究意义 .............. 2 1.2.2 研究目的 .............. 3 1.3 国内外研究现状 ............. 4 1.3.1 国外研究成果综述 ............................. 4 1.3.2 国内研究成果综述 ............................. 7 1.3.3 研究评述 .............. 9 1.4研究内容及方法 ............ 10 1.4.1 技术路线图 ........ 10 1.4.2 研究内容 ............ 10 1.4.3 研究方法 ............. 11 第2章 相关概念和理论基础 ... 13 2.1 薪酬设计与薪酬构成基本理论 .................. 13 2.1.1 薪酬设计的基本概念 ....................... 13 2.1.2 薪酬的组成 ........ 14 2.2 薪酬管理与薪酬体系基本理论 .................. 15 2.2.1 薪酬管理基本理论 ........................... 15 2.2.2 薪酬体系基本理论 ........................... 16 2.3 流程-岗位-薪酬关系的基本理论 ............... 18 2.3.1岗位分析的基本理论基础 ................ 18 2.3.2 岗位评价 ............ 19 第3章 A公司薪酬体系的现状描述与问题分析 21 3.1 A公司简介 .................... 21 3.2 A公司员工薪酬满意度影响因素研究 ....... 22 3.2.1 调研的目的 ........ 22 3.2.2 问卷设计 ............ 22 3.2.3 问卷发放情况 .... 23 3.2.4 问卷信度分析 .... 24 3.3 A公司薪酬制存在问题分析 ....................... 29 江苏大学工商管理硕士(MBA)学位论文 3.3.1 薪酬制度缺乏公平性和激励性 ....... 30 3.3.2 加班工资支付制度有待完善 ........... 30 3.3.3 公司福利待遇满意度低 ................... 31 3.3.4 非物质奖励吸引力低 ....................... 31 3.3.5 对高学历员工薪酬缺乏吸引力 ....... 31 第4章 面向A公司战略实现的薪酬体系设计 ..... 33 4.1 A公司薪酬设计原则 . 33 4.1.1 科学统一原则 .... 33 4.1.2 保障公平原则 .... 33 4.1.3 激励原则 ............ 33 4.2 支持目标实现的岗位设计 .......................... 33 4.2.1 工作分析和岗位说明书的编制 ....... 33 4.2.2 岗位评价 ............ 35 4.2.3 岗位归级 ............ 37 4.3 基于责权对等的薪酬体系设计 .................. 37 4.3.1基础工资 ............. 37 4.3.2工龄工资 ............. 38 4.3.3岗位工资 ............. 38 4.3.4效益工资 ............. 38 4.3.5工资结构比例 ..... 39 4.3.6薪酬等级表 ......... 39 4.4 战略性岗位/人才薪酬体系设计 ................ 40 4.4.1 奖金设计 ............ 40 4.4.2 福利、补贴和津贴设计 ................... 40 4.5 预期效果的评估 ........... 42 4.5.1 预期取得成效 .... 42 4.5.2 待改进的不足之处 ........................... 43 第5章 对策建议与保障措施 ... 44 5.1 A公司薪酬体系问题解决路径 ................... 44 5.1.1 明确薪酬分配原则,完善绩效考核机制 ...................... 44 5.1.2 完善加班管理制度,保障员工基本权益 ...................... 45 5.1.3 深化福利制度改革,丰富福利待遇构成 ...................... 46 5.1.4 坚持以人为本,满足员工深层次需求 .......................... 46 5.1.5 健全人才激励保障机制,多措并举吸引人才 .............. 47 江苏大学工商管理硕士(MBA)学位论文 5.2 A公司薪酬体系落实保障措施 ................... 47 5.2.1加强对新的薪酬体系的宣传工作 .... 47 5.2.2 加强与薪酬体系实施有关的培训 ... 48 5.2.3 完善人力资源信息管理系统 .......