随着国家“二孩政策”的全面实施,幼儿群体愈加庞大,关系着国家的未来发展。 学前教育显得尤其重要,我国于 20 世纪中、后期兴起了素质教育改革的高潮,学前 教育也大力开展素质教育,以培养身心全面发展符合时代要求的人才。其中学前体 育教育受到普遍重视,为体智能课程的开展和普及提供了可能。体智能课程是“以运 动为主体,以游戏为方法,以教育为指导,以培养幼儿身心健康发育的基础能力为 目标的活动”,它的出现将推动我国幼儿体育教育事业的发展。而武汉是中部最大的 城市,人口众多,其中在园幼儿约有 28.5 万人,去年入园人数首次突破了十万的规 模。作为最重要的科教基地之一,吸收着最先进的教学理念。笔者通过文献资料法、 教学实验法、观察法、问卷调查法、访谈法等对体智能课程在武汉幼儿园开展的情 况进行调查。用 SWOT 分析法对其在武汉幼儿园推广的可行性进行分析,得出以下 结论, 1.体智能课程符合幼儿身心发展特点,改善幼儿体质的同时激发幼儿的运动兴 趣,提高幼儿体育活动的参与度和喜爱程度。 2 .体智能课程能够弥补幼教群体的体育教学的专业知识不足等问题,为幼儿园 提供能够科学、合理安排体育活动内容的体育教师。 3. 体智能课程能够加强武汉幼儿园的特色课程的建设,提升武汉地区幼儿园的 软实力,在幼儿园中注入男性的“阳刚之气”,避免幼儿出现性格缺陷的问题发生。 4 .体智能课程获得了幼儿园老师和家长的一致认可,为体智能课程在武汉的推 广提供了必要条件。 5.体智能课程符合当下国家相关政策规定并充分发挥市场在资源配置中的决定 性作用,通过创新来发展幼儿群体的特色运动。 关键词,体智能课程;武汉地区;幼儿园;推广;可行性II Abstract With the implementation of the national two-child policy, the growing number of young children is linked to the country's future development. Preschool education appears especially important, our country in the 20th century, the late rise the climax of the reform of quality education, preschool education also vigorously carry out quality education, to cultivate talents of all-round development of body and mind conform to the requirements of The Times. Among them, the pre-school sports education is widely regarded as a possibility for the development and popularization of Kinesthetic intelligence courses. Kinesthetic intelligence course is to the sports as the main body, methods for the game, guided by the education, the basis of the ability to cultivate children's physical and mental health development as the goal of activities, it will promote the development of the preschool physical education in China. Wuhan, the largest city in the central part of the country, has a large population, with an estimated 285,000 children in the park, and the number of people who entered the park last year surpassed 100,000 for the first time. As one of the most important bases of science and education, it absorbs the most advanced teaching concepts. The author through the literature material method, experimental teaching method, observation method, questionnaire survey method, interview method and so on for body intelligence course in the case of wuhan kindergarten to carry out investigation. Using SWOT analysis to analyze the feasibility of the promotion in wuhan kindergarten, the following conclusion: 1. Kinesthetic intelligence course in line with the characteristics of children's physical and mental development, improve the children's health at the same time stimulate children's interest in sport, improve the degree of participation and loved children's physical activity. 2. Kinesthetic intelligent course can make up for the preschool education group sports teaching problems such as lack of professional knowledge, can offer kindergarten science, reasonable arrangement of sports content of physical education teachers. 3. Kinesthetic intelligence course to strengthen the construction of wuhan of kindergarten curriculum, promote kindergarten of wuhan area of soft power, into male masculinity in the kindergarten, to avoid the problem of children appear character flaws. 4 Kinesthetic intelligence program is recognized by the teachers and parents of kindergartens, and provides the necessary conditions for the promotion of the class in wuhan.III 5. Kinesthetic intelligence course in accordance with the present relevant policy provisions of the state and give full play to the market in the allocation of resources and the decisive role, through innovation to develop the characteristics of the infant population movement. Key words: Kinesthetic intelligence course; Wuhan area;kindergarten;Promotion; feasibilityIV 目 录 1 前言 ............................................................. 1 1.1 选题背景 ....................................................... 1 1.2 选题依据....................................................... 1 1.2.1 体智能课程的市场随着幼儿群体数量的增加而增大 ............. 1 1.2.2 武汉具有良好的体育文化氛围 ............................... 2 1.2.3 体智能课程的内容以《3-6 岁儿童学习与发展指南》为出发点.... 2 1.2.4 国家相关政策法规的促使 ................................... 2 1.3 研究目的与意义................................................. 3 1.3.1 研究目的 ................................................. 3 1.3.2 研究意义 ................................................. 3 2 文献综述 ......................................................... 5 2.1 体智能课程内涵 ................................................. 5 2.2 我国学前体育教育研究现状 ....................................... 5 2.3 国外学者关于体育游戏方面的研究................................. 7 2.3.1 国外历史上关于游戏的哲学和思想研究........................ 7 2.3.2 国外幼儿体育活动开展现状的研究............................ 8 3 研究对象与方法 .................................................. 11 3.1 研究对象...................................................... 11 3.2 研究方法 ...................................................... 11 3.2.1 文献法................................................... 11 3.2.2 观察法................................................... 11 3.2.3 教学实验................................................. 11 3.2.4 问卷调查 ................................................ 12 3.2.5 访谈调查................................................. 13 3.2.6 数理统计................................................. 14 4 研究结果与分析 .................................................. 15 4.1 武汉市推广体智能课程的可行性分析 .............................. 15 4.1.1 关于 SWOT 理论及应用...................................... 15 4.1.2 体智能课程推广的优势(Strength)分析 .................... 15V 4.1.3 体智能课程推广的弱势(weakness)分析 .................... 21 4.1.4 推广幼儿体智能课程机会(opportunity)分析 ............... 23 4.1.5 体智能课程推广的威胁(threat)分析 ...................... 25 5 结论与建议 ...................................................... 27 5.1 结论 .......................................................... 27 5.2 建议 .......................................................... 27 5.2.1 对政府部门的建议......................................... 27 5.2.2 对幼儿体智能机构的建议................................... 28 5.2.3 对幼儿园的建议........................................... 28 5.2.4 对家长的建议............................................. 28