再次,在营销策略调整的研究过程中,始终贯穿 CNHI 农机公司作为农机业务
进一步促进了 CNHI 农机公司在中国销售业务的发展,特别是在农机行业市场趋于
The essay focuses on improving marketing strategy by analyzing current market
situation based on the strategy of product, price, distribution and promotion for CNHI
on macro and industrial environmental basis, which is a branch of international
agriculture machinery company in China.
Firstly, the current market situation and proposed improvement were found out by
site survey through talking with the end user and the data were collected and laid a solid
foundation for succeeding analysis.
Secondly, the summary was concluded by analyzing the strategy of product, price,
distribution and promotion through data processing by questionnaire. It also led the
adjustment from single differentiate strategy to mixed strategy of cost-leading and
differentiate on the macron scope. In order to be more competitive in the market, the
proposal will include re-mapping of dealer’s territory, optimizing product combination,
flexibility in price mechanism and variety in promotion on a micron scope.
Thirdly, CNHI was positioned as solution provider of agriculture machinery
instead of manufacturer.
Finally, the proposed market strategies and corresponding action plan are also
presented to promote the sales of CNHI in the process of analyzing during the period of
recession for Agriculture machinery industry.
Key words:International company; Marketing; Strategy; Positioning-III-
Abstract ...II
绪论.......... 1
一、研究背景.......... 1
二、研究目的和意义.......... 1
三、国内外研究现状.......... 2
四、研究内容和方法.......... 4
第一章 理论基础 5
第一节 4P 理论........ 5
第二节 STP 理论..... 5
第三节 市场营销环境和分析方法理论..... 6
本章小结....... 7
第二章 CNHI 农机公司营销现状及其分析 ..... 8
第一节 CNHI 农机公司介绍 .......... 8
一、公司简介.... 8
二、CNHI 农机公司经营现状 . 8
三、CNHI 农机公司定位 ......... 9
第二节 CNHI 农机公司营销策略现状 .... 10
一、产品策略.. 10
二、价格策略.. 10
第三节 CNHI 农机公司营销问题及分析12
一、现有产品线单一.. 12
二、定价机制僵化...... 13
三、营销渠道落后...... 13
四、促销活动匮乏...... 14-IV-
五、营销综合能力亟待提高.. 14
本章小结..... 15
第三章 CNHI 农机公司营销环境分析 ........... 16
第一节 宏观环境分析....... 16
一、政治环境.. 16
二、经济环境.. 17
三、社会环境.. 18
四、科技环境.. 18
五、自然环境.. 19
第二节 产业环境分析....... 19
一、入侵者的威胁增加.......... 20
二、替代品的强烈威胁.......... 20
三、供应商的议价能力增强.. 20
四、买方日益增加的议价能力.......... 21
五、同业的激烈竞争.. 21
第三节 公司内部环境分析........... 22
一、公司资源分析...... 22
二、公司能力分析...... 23
三、公司核心能力分析.......... 25
第四节 用户消费行为的分析....... 26
一、用户群体类型和行为特征分析.. 2