本文以 W 证券公司为例,对其全面预算进行研究。W 证券公司是一家全
国性的证券公司,成立于 2002 年,截止目前,注册资本 20.35 亿,虽然 W 证
下,W 证券公司要提高竞争力,增强风险防范能力,必然要加强自身的内部管
理水平,合理分配资源,降低成本,提高效率。这使得 W 证券公司要进一步解
解。另外本文将从企业战略出发构建全面预算管理体系,通过研究 W 证券公司
如何提高 W 证券公司全面预算管理水平,帮助 W 证券公司未来制定更可行的
As the saying goes Forewarned is forearmed.. Comprehensive budget manage-
ment has played an irreplaceable role in the modern enterprise management mode, it
has been widely applied to all walks of life. Although many enterprises know the im-
plementation of the budget management is very important, but in the budget man-
agement knowledge and practice, the enterprise also there are some blind spots. For
example, enterprises in the understanding of budget management is not comprehen-
sive enough, the implementation of the budget, budget adjustments, the three budget
incentive companies do not pay attention to it, and the enterprise division and balance
of rights in the process of budget management in the implementation of no clear regu-
lations, so in the actual operation, enterprises it is prone to various problems affecting
the budget implementation effect, it will reduce the effect of the implementation of
the budget, or even counterproductive.
In this paper, W securities company as an example, carries on the comprehensive
budget of.W securities company is a national securities company, founded in 2002,
the registered capital of 2 billion 35 million, although the total volume of W securities
company implemented a comprehensive budget management planning however, the
budget work in non financial sector is ignored, the budget is not the early warning
mechanism, even if the budget can not make timely adjustments in the current envi-
ronment, W securities companies to improve competitiveness, enhance the risk pre-
vention ability, must strengthen their internal management, rational allocation of re-
sources, reduce costs, improve efficiency W. This allows securities companies to fur-
ther solve the comprehensive budget management in the practical problems in the
Through the preparation of the budget, and strive to improve the between the
upper and lower levels of the company, mutual exchange and communication be-
tween departments, enhance mutual understanding, deepen departments and employ-
ees on the company's strategic understanding. In addition, this paper will from the
corporate strategy of building a comprehensive budget management system, throughABSTRACT
research w securities company comprehensive budget management present situation,
the existing problems, to analyze the methods to solve these problems, and then to
explore how to enhance the level of comprehensive budget management w securities,
help w securities companies in the future will formulate more feasible strategic objec-
Key Words: Securities company ; The comprehensive budget management ;
第 1 章 导论.........1
1.1 研究背景 .....1
1.2 研究意义 .....2
1.3 国内外全面预算管理研究现状 ...........3
1.3.1 国外全面预算管理研究现状 ........3
1.3.2 国内全面预算管理研究现状 ........4
1.3.3 全面预算管理文献评述 ...4
1.4 研究内容和方法 .......5
1.4.1 研究内容 ...........5
1.4.2 研究方法 ...........6
1.5 论文的创新之处 .......6
第 2 章 相关理论概述........8
2.1 全面预算管理概述....8
2.1.1 全面预算管理涵义..........8
2.1.2 全面预算管理原则..........8
2.1.3 全面预算管理的编制方法9
2.2 全面预算管理体系构成 .......10
第 3 章 W 证券公司实施全面预算管理现状...........11
3.1 W 证券公司简介 .....11
3.2 W 证券公司全面预算管理业务现状 ..12
3.2.1 全面预算管理的组织机构和管理分工 .....13
3.2.2 全面预算管理的内容 ....14
3.2.3 全面预算管理的编制模式..........15
3.2.4 全面预算管理的执行与调整 ......22
3.2.5 全面预算管理的绩效考核..........22
第 4 章 W 证券公司全面预算管理存在的问题及原因分析...25
4.1 W 证券公司全面预算管理存在的问题 ...........25
4.1.1 预算编制松驰 ..25目录
4.1.2 预算审核不严谨 ...........25
4.1.3 预算执行缺乏弹性........26
4.1.4 预算考核和激励没有发挥作用 ...26
4.2 W 证券公司全面预算管理存在问题的原因分析 ..........26
4.2.1 员工对全面预算认识不足..........26
4.2.2 全面预算管理组织机制不健全 ...27
4.2.3 全面预算的决策、编制和执行者三者之间的信息不对称 ..27
4.2.4 全面预算管理的分析和反馈不足28
第 5 章 完善 W 证券公司全面预算管理的建议.......29
5.1 建立完善的组织结构体系....29
5.1.1 完善组织结构 ..29
5.1.2 加强人员管理建设........29
5.1.3 转变预算管理理念,加强培训 ...30
5.2 优化 W 证券公司全面预算管理流程 .30
5.2.1 预算编制 .........30
5.2.2 预算审核 .........31
5.2.3 预算执行 .........32
5.2.4 预算评估与分析 ...........33
5.3 改进全面预算管理的绩效考核内容 ..33
第 6 章 结论与展望.........36
6.1 研究结论....36
6.2 进一步研究的方向 ..36
参考文献39第 1 章 导论