企业生态位演化不同阶段的价值需求。面对“平台为王”以及“生态为王” 的时
High-tech service innovation is a process of competition and cooperation for
every participant in an open system, a technical innovation model of integrative
development of high-tech and modern service management and has a complex network
organization form. Networked high-tech service is a technology diffusion network
formed by high-tech service participants, in which the high-tech service participants
associating, cooperating, and competing with each other. The intangibility of service
and the interactivity and dynamics of network members’relationship in high-tech
service innovation bring frequent communications and complex coopetition
relationship into the members. Service industry cluster, especially high-tech service
innovation network, is more dependent on the coopetition relationship among the
enterprises in the network and on the coopetition resulted advantages of cost saving,
technology spillover and approaching global level to achieve upgraded network. It is
an important content to study the coopetition relationship and strategy evolution
among the members of the high-tech service innovation network, especially the
enterprises in a significant theory and a practice topic both of which integrating
high-tech service industry, innovation management and platform strategy.
Based on existing studies, we have analyzed the connotations and features of
high-tech service innovation network, defined the niche overlap enterprise in the
network and analyzed the niche evolution and coopetition strategy conversion of the
platform enterprise. Then, we put forward the evolution mechanism on the coopetition
strategy of the platform enterprise in the high-tech service innovation network; the
evolution mechanism comprising follows: the enterprise niche coordinately evolving
with the coopetition strategy, evolution dynamic, and evolution cycle and phase. On
the basis of the mechanism, we have established model group of the coopetition
strategy and made simulated analysis on the model. At last, we verified the theoretical
reasoning and model by taking Google Inc. as an empirical study object.
The results of the study indicate that the high-tech service innovation network, as
an open system, contains many members of inhomogeneity and niche overlap. The
inhomogeneity and the niche overlap of the members coexist in the network.
Fragmented and homogenized operation and development result in fierce competition
and more complex coopetition relationship. The niche evolution of an enterprise
collaborates with the coopetition evolution among the enterprises. During the niche
evolution of the niche overlap enterprises, the development goal, motivation and
resource requirement of the enterprises are different due to the influence of the niche
growth phase, causing that the interaction among the enterprises is in a dynamic
change. Coopetition strategy converting can well balance value creation and value
capture through changing the degree of competition and cooperation so as to meet
value requirements in different phases of enterprises niche evolution. In a time
featured by “platform is king” and “ecology is king”, niche overlap enterprises need to
deliver value, adopt suitable coopetition strategy according to their key positions in the
network so as to construct and rewrite the rule of value co-creation and value sharing
in the whole enterprise ecosystem.
Key Words: High-tech Service Innovation Network; Niche Overlap Enterprises; Niche
Evolution; Coopetition Relationship; Googol Inc.
目 录
学位论文原创性声明和学位论文版权使用授权书 ....I
Abstract ........III
插图索引 .....VII
附表索引 ....VIII
第 1 章 绪论 ...1
1.1 研究背景与意义.........1
1.1.1 研究背景 ..........1
1.1.2 研究意义 ..........2
1.2 研究对象与研究内容 .3
1.2.1 研究对象 ..........3
1.2.2 研究内容 ..........4
1.3 研究思路与总体框架 .4
1.3.1 研究思路 ..........4
1.3.2 总体框架 ..........5
第 2 章 理论基础与文献综述.6
2.1 相关理论基础 6
2.1.1 生态位理论 ......6
2.1.2 服务创新理论 ..6
2.1.3 竞合理论 ..........7
2.1.4 网络外部性理论 ..........8
2.2 文献综述 ........9
2.2.1 服务创新和高技术服务创新网络研究 9
2.2.2 企业生态位及其演化研究 .....10
2.2.3 竞合及竞合关系研究 .13
第 3 章 高技术服务创新网络生态位重叠企业竞合关系演化机理 .16
3.1 高技术服务创新网络生态位重叠企业的性质与特征 .........16
3.1.1 高技术服务创新网络内涵 .....16
3.1.2 生态位重叠企业及其竞争特点..........19
3.2 高技术服务创新网络生态位重叠企业竞合关系 .....20
3.2.1 竞争关系 ........20
3.2.2 合作关系 ........21
3.2.3 竞合关系 ........21
3.3 高技术服务创新网络生态位重叠企业竞合关系演进过程 ..22高技术服务创新网络生态位重叠企业竞合关系演化研究
3.3.1 企业生态位的影响因子 .........22
3.3.2 生态位重叠企业竞合演进动力..........23
3.3.3 生态位重叠企业竞合演化阶段..........25
3.4 高技术服务创新网络生态位重叠企业竞合演进建模 .........28
3.4.1 模型来源及设计 ........28
3.4.2 模型仿真分析 31
第 4 章 案例研究......33
4.1 案例研究设计 ..........33
4.1.1 案例研究目的与基本设计 .....33
4.1.2 案例样本的选择与数据来源 .33
4.2 谷歌公司生态位进化及其与相关主体竞合关系演进分析 ..34
4.3 案例研究结论及管理建议 ...40
4.3.1 案例研究结论 40
4.3.2 管理建议 ........40
参考文献 .......44
附录 A 攻读硕士学位期间所发表的学术论文 ......54
附录 B 攻读硕士学位期间参加的课题情况 ..........55硕士学位论文
图 1.1 技术路线图 ......5
图 3.1 企业生态位与竞合关系协同演化......27
图 3.2 相互无影响下企业生态位动态演化..31
图 3.3 合作主导下企业生态位动态演化......31
图 3.4 竞争主导下企业生态位动态演化......31
图 4.1 谷歌与雅虎公司 2002 年营业额与利润比较....35
图 4.2年谷歌、雅虎与 BING 全球搜索引擎份额比较 ..36
图 4.3 基于搜索主体业务的谷歌竞合关系演进 ......37
图 4.4年 ANDROID 和 IOS 全球市场占有率比较 .........38
图 4.5 谷歌与苹果在移动互联网领域的竞合关系演进.......38
图 4.6 谷歌公司生态位进化与竞合关系演化 ..........39