IJS 公司 2005 年在辽宁省沈阳市创建。是一家以生产和销售蛋糕,巧克力,月饼
等中西点为主的连锁食品企业。旗下有 25 个直营示范店,出售百余种产品,公司员
工总数近 300 人。本文以 IJS 公司为研究对象,通过文献资料法、问卷调查法和比较
分析法,在薪酬管理相关理论基础上,对 IJS 公司现发展概况及人力资源与薪酬体系
进行分析与优化设计,通过企业诊断的形式,确定 IJS 公司的内外部环境及竞争结构。
国内外相关综述及薪酬类别和发展趋势。第三章对 IJS 公司概况及薪酬体系现状进行
介绍和分析,确定该公司在薪酬体系方面存在的不足。第四章详细介绍了 IJS 公司薪
酬优化设计各个步骤的具体设计方案:首先介绍了 IJS 公司薪酬体系设计思路;其次
外部调查和内部调查,外部调查主要通过社会公开的薪资信息,内部调查主要是 IJS
公司历年的薪资调查和员工薪酬满意度调查;第四,叙述了 IJS 公司薪酬体系的设计
效考核体系及薪酬体系实施措施。第五章是全文的总结。The Salary System Design for employee of IJS
Food Company Limited
With the continuous development of our economy, the competition between
enterprises becomes increasingly fierce. This competition among enterprises is mainly
reflected in the fight for talents. Therefore, the compensation system as an important
standard of enterprise internal stability plays an important role. Its position is irreplaceable.
How to make out a reasonable, advanced, and orderly the salary system, directly related to
the staff's work enthusiasm and the sense of belonging, and the order and stability of
enterprise development.
IJS Company,which was setting up in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province in the year
of 2005, mainly engaged in manufacturing and selling cake, chocolate, and some other
products. There are 25 self-operated shops, selling more than 100 kinds of products. Total
number of employees of the company's is more than 300 persons. This article tak