In the 21 century,water conservancy industry emphasizes more on water resources
preservation rather than on water conservancy engineering, and on sustainable water
conservancy rather than on traditional water irrigation system. These trends have raised a new
requirement to water conservancy experts, who are facing a more expertise demanding
environment, to keep a sustainable development in China's water preservation system. N
Designing Institute is a first rate state-owned perambulation designing institute, which
undertakes the designing and perambulation works for water conservancy projects,water and
electronic engineering projects,industrial and civil construction and transportation projects. In
recent days, many intellectuals resigned from this institute, and there is not enough
recruitment for new technique experts for a sustainable development for the institute. This
phenomenon reveals the lack of a general human resources planning of this institute, which is
now affecting the normal producing operation and hauling the fulfillment of the development
target. To achieve the strategic target of a company, this organization should forge
reasonable-structured professional personnel, which makes a great sense to the future of the
With the purpose of resolving the “intellectual resigning,,problem and by focusing on
the HR organization, HR system, recruitment mode and training system, this thesis tried to
analyze the human resources situation in the N Designing Institute and proposed a concrete
HR planning strategy. This the system predicted the fiiture 5-year HR demand of the institute
and designed a strategic scheme to balance the HR supplying and demanding. The essay
proposed a series of strategic HR planning for the institute by focusing on institutional,
organizational, recruitment, staff motivating system,in the purpose of cultivating a team of
reasonable-structured professional personnel.
To achieve the strategic objectives we must attach importance to human resources
management for the enterprise to build a reasonable structure, excellent professional
personnel .y making a general strategic HR planning for the institute, the essay tried to
resolve the unbalanced HR supply and demand situation, which will help fulfill the strategic
goal of the N Designing Institute. The concrete resolutions to human resources planning
problem will also help with some counterparts in this line of industry in the HR planning
Key Words: Water Conservancy Institute; N Design Institute ; Human
Resource Planning ; Supply and Demand Forecast