银川绿地中心景观方案设计 Yinchuan Greenland Center Landscape Schematic Design 2016.08.03 澳派 ASPECT Studios TM Greenland Group 项目总体定位与策略 Project Background 项目位置与面积 Site Location and Area 本项目地理位置优越,西临西湖,并与银川国际交流中心和阅海湾中心商务区隔 水相望,形成三足鼎力之势。总占地面积86亩,建筑面积40万平方米,景观面积 约为2万平方米。规划建设成为集甲级办公、超五星级酒店、高档商业、酒店式 公寓等为一体的超高层双子座城市综合体。 本案 Site The development locates west of West Lake, viewing Yinchuan State Guest House and Yuehai Bay CBD over river. The total area is 86 mu, with 400,000.00 sq/m architecture area, 20,000.00 sq/m landscape area. It is planned to be a super high rise complex incorporating top of?ces, ?ve-star hotel, high-end retail and apartments. 6km 银川市 YinChuan 银川绿地中心景观方案设计 Yinchuan Greenland Center Landscape Schematic Design 澳派 项目的影响力 Project Pro?le 绿地银川超高层双塔坐落于银川中阿之轴上,高301米,是银川的第一高楼并且 是阅海湾商务核心区的地标性建筑。 目前正在建设的阅海湾中央商务区,将被打造为中国与阿拉伯国家往来贸易核心 区。预计到2020年,将超过2200家年产值达500亿元人民币(合80亿美元)企业入 驻。 中阿之轴全长2100米,宽58米,寓意中国与阿拉伯国家之间源远流长的友好合 作贸易关系。中阿之轴由三大地标构成,包括高为9.9米的中国鼎,寓意天人合 一,并且展示龙的文化;高27米,宽20米的伊斯兰馆,该馆八面开门,每扇门都 有伴有精致的圆顶装饰,也有穆斯林人民最喜欢的月亮雕塑、花纹已经阿拉伯文 字。第三个地标为中国阿拉伯友谊纪念碑。 Greenland Yinchuan Super High Rise Twin Tower is the tallest tower and landmark for Yinchuan Yuehai Bay CBD, which is 301 metres tall, sitting right on the China- Arab Spine. The Yuehai Bay Central Business District, currently under construction in the city of Yinchuan, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, is planned to be transformed into a core region of China-Arab States trade until 2020. It is expected to incorporate more than 2200 enterprises with annual production value totaling at 50 billion yuan (US$ 8 billion). The Sino-Arab Axis is a landscape spine celebrating the friend and long trading history