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“WorkingwiththeBannerPDF”第1页图片 图片预览结束,如需查阅完整内容,请下载文档!
Working with the Banner (banner.xml) The banner module may appear simple, but its loaded with options. Below is a list of them: GLOBAL SETTINGS <width> the width of the banner <height> the height of the banner (the banner will add 32 pixels for the control bar automatically) <autoPlay> choose to auto-play the banner, true or false <useNumButtons> choose to use the numbered buttons or not <invertButtons> true = the default behaviour for button color, button backgrounds will be inverted false = buttons will have a black transparent background <randomizeOrder> choose to randomize the slide orderm true or false <randomSlide> for autoPlay, load in a random slide every time <infoBehaviour> options are "forceOn" (always show info after slide wipes in), "forceOff" (never show info after slide wipes in), "perSlide" (adjust info behaviour per slide) <useInfoButton> If set to false, the info button will never be shown. If set to true, you can adjust it per slide below --> <useStylesheet> choose to use a CSS stylesheet, true or false <stylesheetURL> the url of your CSS stylesheet SLIDE SETTINGS <item> <image>images/banner/img1.jpg</image> <delay>3</delay> <fadeType>bars</fadeType> <fadeOver>true</fadeOver> <showInfo>true</showInfo> <useInfoButton>true</useInfoButton> <link>http://www.google</link> <linkTarget>_blank</linkTarget> <title><![CDATA[<!-- BEGIN -->The Title<!-- END -->]]></title> <description>><![CDATA[<!-- BEGIN -->Description<!-- END -->]]></description> </item> <image> The url of your slide. This can be an image or swf <delay> The delay per slide if autoPlay is used. This is a number in seconds <fadeType> Options are "bars" and "basic". Basic is a simple fade in. <fadeOver> Options are true and false. Choose to wipe the new slide in on top of the previous slide (true), or wipe the previous slide out first (false). <showInfo> Only relevant when "perSlide" is chosen in the global settings. Choose true if you want to automatical