Case Study: A Smart Water Grid in Singapore Michael Allen*, Ami Preis*, Mudasser Iqbal* and Andrew J. Whittle** * Visenti Pte Ltd. and Singapore MIT Alliance for Research and Technology, Singapore Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA, USA ** Abstract As aging water distribution infrastructures encounter failures with increasing frequency, there is a real need for integrated, on-line decision-support systems based on continuous in-network monitoring of hydraulic and water quality parameters. Such systems will form the basis of a Smart Water Grid, allowing water utilities to improve optimization of system operation, manage leakage control more effectively, and reduce the duration and disruption of repairs and maintenance. WaterWiSe is an integrated, end-to-end platform for real-time monitoring of water distribution systems that addresses these needs. This paper describes how WaterWiSe’s sensing and software platforms have helped improve the operational efficiency of the water supply system in downtown Singapore. Keywords Smart Water Grid, Continuous Monitoring, On-line modelling, wireless Sensor Networks, Water Distribution Systems, Management Efficiency, Leak and burst detection and localization, water quality Introduction In citiesaround theglobe, thedrinkingwater distributioninfrastructure isaging rapidlyand encounteringfailures withincreasingfrequency. Theresulthasbeen significantwaterlosses (imbalances between water entering and leaving the system), inefficienciesin system operation, and concerns about the quality of drinking water that is provided to the consumer. When major failures within the system occur, the utility must identify and resolve the problem with minimal disruption. With current monitoring technology this is not necessarily possible: in 2009, Los Angeles, Calif., experienced a