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供供供应应应链链链环环环境境境下下下的的的质质质保保保策策策略略略设设设计计计与与与优优优化化化研研研究究究 The Study on Warranty Policy Design and Optimization in Supply Chain Environment 一级学科:工商管理 学科专业:工商管理 研究生:娄雅琦 指导教师:何曙光 天津大学管理与经济学部 二〇一九年十月二十七日独*辦 明 §得的 交附的 II发表 fl中||?外包 育賊证书 11■s 果也钂舊 饈M鳥s 攸中作 脈mr与I|綱宄臓_贡11 ?|雜m絲 示?51,? , 年月日 I^I 签&她M■娜^r 〃 学&i妓观用峨g 位t 特授 I 睹!^保 容Lf.据并采 S将l.f 841 。s H家有 filll §Il 1i ^£a £ 1|glp sk 。 l J _I?紋gl i臓_) ^^ 签^心 報嫩B:J/4^ Mr — 口月4日日 年W日=日^M 齡棚Vf .摘摘摘要要要 由于经济社会环境的变化和制造企业发展的自身需要,企业对质保策略的 重视度越来越高笠翟谥贫ㄖ时2呗允保唤鲆悸遣繁旧恚挂刈⒏吒? 加值的延保服务,注重质保服务水平和企业所处的市场环境。本文在对国内外相 关文献进行梳理总结的基础上,确定了在供应链环境下进行企业质保策略的设 计与优化研究,运用博弈论和最优化理论,从以下方面展开论述。 首先,对产品基础质保策略和延保服务定价策略进行联合决策谟芍圃焐? 主导,零售商和第三方服务商共同构成的供应链中,研究了无延保服务、制造商 提供延保服务、零售商提供延保服务、第三方提供延保服务四种腏较碌木饨? 果,并考虑将延保服务批发价格契约引入到制造商和零售商之间的情况。结果表 明,除了第三方服务商提供延保服务外,制造商均会适当缩短产品基础质盕冢? 且延保服务批发价格契约能有效提高制造商和零售商的企业利润,实现双赢。 接着,选择质保服务渠道和质保服务水平谟闪闶凵讨鞯迹圃焐毯偷谌? 方服务商共同构成的供应链中,对比零售商自己履行质保服务和将质保服务外包 的情景,并考虑将成本分摊合同引入到零售商和第三方之间的情况芯肯允荆? 零售商在前期所需投入很高的情况下会将质盡獍醋畲蠡陨砝螅侵时? 外包时服务水平会降低,制造商的利润下滑。成本分摊合同能提高质保服务质量 水平,提升制造商和零售商的企业利润,但是会损害第三方服务商的企业利润。 然后,考虑品牌声誉对质保传递产品质量效力强弱的影响谟闪礁鼍赫? 造商和一个零售商构成的二级供应链中,构建由产品价格、产品品牌声誉和产 品质盕诠餐龆ǖ男枨蠛p停治銎放粕戎刀愿鞣骄饩霾叩挠跋臁? 研究发现,产品间的品牌声誉比值影响着两种产品各均衡策略的大小,且当品牌 声誉比值在某一区间时,占优品牌产品定价更高却捆绑更短的产品质盕凇? 最后,在考虑品牌效应的基础上,探讨供应链领导结构对均衡决策及利润的 影响谟梢桓鲈忌杓浦圃焐毯土礁鼍赫放屏闶凵坦钩傻墓┯α粗薪⒅? 从博弈膒汀=峁允荆放粕圆犯骶霾咭廊挥兄匾跋臁9┯α戳斓冀? 构没有对两种产品的零售价格、质盕诔ざ群凸┯α醋芴謇蟛跋臁6杂谥? 造商和零售商来说,争取到供应链的领导权能从供应链利润中分得更多利润。 关关关键键键词词词:::供应链管理,质保策略设计和优化,延保服务,质保服务水平,品牌 声誉,供应链领导结构 I ABSTRACT Facing the changing economic and social environment and the development needs of manufacturing enterprises,enterprises attach more and more importance to the war- ranty policy.When making the warranty decisions,the enterprises should pay attention to the high value-added extended warranty,warranty service level and market environ- ment besides the product itself.Motivated by making better decisions,this dissertation focuses on warranty policy design and optimization in supply chain environment after comprehensively reviewing the recent related literature.The main research are orga- nized as the following. First,the basic warranty period decision and extended warranty pricing strategy are jointly considered.Amanufacturer-led supply chain consisting of one manufac- turer,one retailer and one third-party service provider is studied.We analyze four extended warranty channel scenarios including none providing extended service,the manufacturer providing extended service,the retailer providing extended service and the third party providing extended service,and further discuss the situation where the manufacturer adopts wholesale price contract with the retailer in extended warranty sales.The results show that the manufacturer should shorten the basic warranty period when extended warranty is involved except for the third party providing the extended service.Adjustment of pricing decisions depends on the parameter relationship.When wholesale price contract is adopted,both the manufacturer and the retailer are better off and reach a win-win situation. Then,the optimal warranty service level is designed.We study a retailer-led supply chain consisting of one manufacturer,one retailer and one third-party service performer. Two scenarios are analyzed where the retailer performs the warranty service and the re- tailer outsources the warranty service to the third party.We also discuss the role of a cost-sharing contract between the retailer and the third party.Results show that when the initial investment of performing warranty service is relatively high,the retailer find it more profitable to outsource the warranty service to the third party.However,the optimal service level and the profit of the manufacturer decrease if the retailer choose to outsource the warranty service.Acost-sharing contract does improve the optimal ser- vice level and bring benefits to both the retailer and the manufacturer.But this contract III 天津大学博士学位论文 injures the interests of the third party. Next,we consider the impact of the brand reputation on warranty’s conveying product quality information.In a manufacturer-led supply chain consisting of two com- peting manufacturers and one retailer,the demand of products depends on price,brand and warranty period.Amodel for this problem is proposed when the manufacturers decide the warranty periods and the wholesale prices meanwhile the retailer decides the retail prices.We find that brand reputations influence all the optimal decisions of each party.Under certain condition,the strong brand manufacturer realises his profit max- imisation by providing a shorter warranty compared to the weaker brand manufacturer, while charging a higher price. Last,optimal strategies under two different supply chain power structures are dis- cussed after considering the impact of the brand reputation on warranty’s conveying product quality information.Models are built in the supply chain consisting of one o- riginal design manufacturer and two competing brand retailers.We find that there exists a brand ratio interval in which the product named by the high-brand retailer will not get a better warranty from the manufacturer.Supply chain power structures don’t affect the manufacturer’s warranty decisions,the retailers’pricing strategies and the profit of the whole supply chain.Both the manufacturer and the two retailers are eager for the supply chain leadership which helps one get a higher proportion of the supply chain profits. KEYWORDS:::Supply chain management,Warranty policy design and optimiza- tion,Extended warranty,Warranty service level,Brand reputation,Supply chain power structure IV 。。。以下略