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环眕形钣肭ρ芯? ——基于政策激励与文化影响视角 The deviation and driving force of pro- environemental behaviors on the perspective of policy incentive and cultural influence 一级学科:工商管理 学科专业:工商管理 作者姓名:张烨 指导教师:傅利平 天津大学管理与经济学部 二零一八年五月 摘要 摘要 十九大报告中指出,我国社会主要矛盾已经转化为人民日益增长的美好生活 需要和不平衡不充分的发展之间的矛盾,实现对美好生活的向往则扎根于每个人 一步步行为的改善孀呕肪骋蛩卦诠业恼铰圆渴稹⒐诘墓刈⑺咔蟆⑸缁岬? 可持续发展中的愈发举足重轻的位置提升,研究公众和企业的环眕形杂诮ㄉ? 美丽中国、推进生态文明建设具有重要意义。究竟是哪些因素影响了公众个人及 企业组织的环眕形空庑┮蛩赜质峭ü男┩揪妒迪帧⑷绾味哉寤肪巢? 响的?为了回答这些问题,本文从社会个体,企业组织行为及国家间对比等角度 入手,从数据出发挖掘主体中各类因素对主体行为的影响,进而研究这些因素对 环境保护行为的影响路径与影响程度,并提出促进各个社会主体的环境保护行为 的可行性方案。 从个体层面,本文利用问卷调查的方法研究了一个特定的社会组织(大学校 园)内各类不同的参与者的环盧馐队胄形囊焱八侵涞牧叵敌究 发现不仅仅是内在因素(环保价值观,态度和知识),外部因素(包括政策激励 和文化因素)对个体行为也有着重要的影响,确认外部驱动力影响作用的存在。 随后,从大数据思想出发,利用百度指数作为衡量了社会群体对于环境问题的关 注程度的“众治”指标,本研究发现“众治”与“法治”(法律法规)相比,具 有类似的约束企业环境保护行为的能力叩氖凳┬ЯΣ唤鼋鍪怯杉虻サ陌洳? 就可以达到作用效果,颁布后引起的广泛的公众关注才对于环境保护起到更大的 作用纱丝梢运得鳎笠挡忝娴幕繁p形耸芷笠的诓渴粜裕ú莆窀芨恕⑵? 业规模等)的制约,来自法律、媒体、群众监督等的外部压力对于企业的环眕? 为也有着重要的影响效力,“舆情众治”与“法律法治”的双轨并行则是新的思 路与挑战詈螅肏ofstede(1991)构建的国家文化因素与托马斯路透数据 库的企业可持续发展报告,本研究探索了国家层面的文化共性与企业环眕形? 间的相关性,发现不同的国家文化对企业行为均着重要的影响ü缥幕芯? 中对于文化的具体维度的解读,我们发现不同国家文化中的共性因素对于企业的 ESG报告都有显著性影响,并且针对其中的权利距离、集体主义和长期定向提出 有针对性的政策建议。 基于上述研究和结果,本研究主要有以下创新点:深入挖掘了不同层级上对 于个体,企业环眕形哪谠谝蛩赜胪獠坑跋欤⑻致哿苏庑┮蛩乜赡艿淖饔没? I 天津大学博士学位论文 理和管理方法。本研究发现了一些与以往研究中容易被忽略的因素,例如个体层 面中的外部因素、企业层面的“众治”、“法治”因素以及国家层面文化差异等等。 就政策的影响力而言,政策的颁布是通过引起公众的关注后产生的效力,这在以 往的研究中往往容易被忽略。就文化影响力而言,在对比国家间的跨文化差异中, 通过对跨文化中的文化维度提炼的具体分析,文化维度下的权利距离、集体主义 和长期定向对于企业的环眕形邢宰庞跋欤⒍匀绾未游幕嵌却俳肪? 保护工作的推进,完善了环境保护行为的驱动力研究,为可能的政策管理的意见 方法给出了新的视角和思路。 关键词:环眕形繁R馐叮幕钜欤呒だ? ⅡABSTRACT ABSTRACT The principal contradiction facing Chinese society has evolved,which what we now face is the contradiction between unbalanced and inadequate development and the peoples ever-growing needs for a better life.Peoples yearning for a better life is not only material but also spiritual.As the snow-balling urgency of environment problem in the process of economic and social development,what factors influence the pro- environmental behavior of individuals and enterprises in social activities?How these factors work?How much effects would these factors exert?To answer these questions, this dissertation carried out in depth analysis and comparison of different pro- environmental behaviors of individuals and enterprises,realizing diversification of research subject.Targeting pro-environmental behaviors through data mining,studies regarding the theoretical literature of the relationship between pro-environmental awareness and behavior,individual’s behavior pattern and its factors are discussed.The results illustrate that policy incentives and cultural impact in social norms exert an effect on pro-environmental behaviors,and also suggest approaches to identify cultural factors that promote pro-environmental behaviors of both individuals and firms. On the individual level,this dissertation explored the relationship between pro- environmental awareness and pro-environmental behaviors of different participants in the micro-society based on an experiment conducted at a university in Tianjin.The study found that besides the internal factors (pro-environmental values,attitudes and knowledge),external factors in terms of policy incentives and cultural norms had a significant influence on individual behavior.Speaking of measuring policy impact,less attention has been given to the broader question as to how policy functions in dealing with the threats long term from environmental changes on the individuals and companies.The prominent empirical approach for evaluating policy mechanism has been case-focused research.This dissertation took Baidu Index to measure public concern for environment problem and studied the correlation between impairment in enterprises and public concern using the regression analysis to examine the difference before and after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.Findings are intended to better understand how policy can be enhanced.The study found that III 。。。以下略