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“MBA论文_碧桂园在海南房地产市场的差异化营销策略研究PDF”第1页图片 “MBA论文_碧桂园在海南房地产市场的差异化营销策略研究PDF”第2页图片 图片预览结束,如需查阅完整内容,请下载文档!
学校代码: 10589 学号:17125100210007
分 类 号: 密级:
题 目:碧桂园在海南房地产市场的差异化
作 者: 黄小龙
第一导师: 童泽林 教授
第二导师: 邹海烟 教授
类 别: 专业硕士学位
专 业: 工商管理
时 间: 二○二一年十二月 Differentiation of Country
Gardenin HainanReal Estate
MarketMarketing strategy
A Thesis
submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement
For the Master Degree in Administration
Huang Xiaolong
Major: Master of Business Administration
Submitted time: Nov, 2021德
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') 摘 要
4V 理论属于新兴的营销组合理论,它是由4P 理论、4C 理论、4R 理论逐步演化
而来。4V 理论常被运用于房地产营销模式中,它的特点在于强调产品和服务中包含
环境以及海南建立自贸港所处的市场特殊环境,利用PEST 分析方法,基于经济、
用 SWOT 分析方法具体分析碧桂园在海南的优势、劣势、机会和威胁;重点应用 4V
关键词:房地产;营销模式;案例分析,差异化;共鸣 Abstract
After the evolution of 4p,4c,4r,4v, 4v theory is a new theory, which is a alternative
way for real estate marketing model in real estate sales innovation. It attaches more
attention to the intangible elements in products or services, and meets the emotional needs
of consumers through brand and cultural implantation.This paper conducts empirical
analysis based on the Haikou Xinbu Island Central Peninsula Project of Country Garden
Real Estate Company, Based on the related theory of marketing strategy, Through an
analysis of the wealth of first-hand information obtained from the practice of the real estate
company;s Central Peninsula project, Combined with the current environment of China;s
real estate development and the special market environment in which Hainan has
established a free trade zone (port), Analysis of the macro environment of the project
marketing from four aspects: political and legal environment, economic environment,
social and cultural environment and technical environment; Compared with a series of
sales strategies carried out by the same type of real estate companies such as Greenland
and Evergrande after being stationed in Hainan, swot analysis to analyze the Country
Garden;s advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats in Hainan; Focus on
applying the 4v theory, Develop a set of scientific marketing strategy from the
characteristics of Country Garden Real Estate: "differentiation (variation)",
"Functionalization (versatility)", "Additional value (value)" and "resonance (vibration)",
And to make a guarantee deployment for the implementation of the strategy, Cultivate and
form Country Garden;s core competitiveness of real estate in Hainan.
Key words: Real estate; marketing model; differentiation; resonance