学校代码: 10385分类号:
研究生学号:19024127053 密级:
利率市场化背景下YC 银行“小微贷”的营销策略研究
Research on Marketing Strategy of Small and Micro Loans of YC Bank
under the Background of Interest Rate Marketization
实践导师: 刘莹
专业学位类别/领域: 工商管理硕士
所在学院: 工商管理学院
摘 要
摘 要
在利率市场化背景下,本研究以 7P 理论、STP 理论、SWOT 分析为理论基础,
采用文献研究、实地调研等方法,对 YC 银行 X 分行“小微贷”营销状况进行研
略及策略保障措施。具体来讲,研究取得如下主要结论:首先,YC 银行X 分行
“小微贷”营销优化方案。本研究有利于YC 银行 X 分行以及类似商业银行完善
“小微贷”利率定价机制,创新“小微贷”产品、丰富 “小微贷”促销方式,
关键词:LPR 背景;小微贷款;营销策略
I 华侨大学硕士学位论文
With the increasingly prominent contribution of small and micro enterprises in
employment, taxation and other fields, the development of small and micro enterprise
loan business has received widespread attention from various banks. Under the
influence of the epidemic, my country;s small and micro enterprises have encountered
unprecedented challenges. At this difficult time, the CPC Central Committee has
issued a series of policies that are conducive to the healthy and sustainable
development of small and micro enterprises, clarifying that domestic financial
institutions should strengthen credit funding support for small and micro enterprises,
and continuously promote the management process of reforming interest rate
marketization. To achieve the purpose of low financing costs for small and micro
enterprises. Under this economic background, exploring a marketing strategy that is
conducive to banks to exert their advantages and mining products to promote the loan
business of small and micro enterprises has become an important research topic for
many financial institutions.
In the context of interest rate liberalization, this research is based on the 7P theory,
STP theory, and SWOT analysis, using literature research, field research and other
methods to study the marketing situation of "small and micro loans" in YC Bank X
branch, and then find that the branch Problems existing in the marketing process of
"small and micro loans", and put forward corresponding solutions and strategic
safeguard measures. Specifically, the main conclusions of the study are as follows:
First, in the marketing process of "small and micro loans" of YC Bank X branch,
there are single loan products, weak publicity ability, unsound pricing system, single
marketing channel, insufficient personnel and low quality, and complicated approval
process , the low level of service competition; secondly, the reasons for the above
problems are the lack of competitive products, the lack of an effective pricing
mechanism, the lack of effective customer acquisition channels, the lack of human
resource reserves, the high requirements for small and micro loan risk control, and the
lack of employees. Insufficient creativity. Finally, from the seven aspects of