中国石化 W 石油分公司汽服业务营销策略研究
Marketing Analysis of Auto service for
Sinopec W company
作者: 苏超俊
类别(领域): 工商管理硕士(工商管理)
指 导 教 师 : 李冬琴 副教授
所 在 学 院 : 经济管理学院
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签 字 日 期 :年月日 摘 要
摘 要
验,对照中国石化 W 石油分公司发展汽车服务业务发展现状,提出现阶段存在的
问题。进而运用 5W1H 分析工具对中国石化 W 石油分公司汽车服务业务营销环
境进行分析,接着利用 STP 理论细分市场,研究市场定位和业务可拓展的领域范
围,再次,运用新型 SIVA 理论,以互联网大数据为假设点,从消费者的角度出
一策,从而展现出中国石化W 石油分公司汽车服务业务的特色,开展精准营销,
在销售整体规模上提升一个档次。三是需要根据 SIVA 理论的分析结果,通过优
良的口碑效应,推广“易捷澳托猫” 和“易捷”汽车服务业务品牌,实现消费目
有针对性的营销策略,以此来修正汽服发展前进的道路,从而助力于中国石化 W
关键词:加油站;汽车服务;SIVA 理论;营销策略
I Abstract
With the free and open integration of the refined oil retail market, in order to seek
new profit points, oil sales companies have begun to introduce an extension model of
the oil industry chain led by automobile services or social convenience services to
seize the oil market share.
Based on the analysis and research on the development status and trends of the
auto service business of gas stations at home and abroad, this paper summarizes the
experience, compares the current status of the development of the auto service business
of Sinopec W Petroleum Company, and raises the problems that exist at the emergence
stage. Furthermore, this article uses 5W1H analysis tools to analyze the marketing
environment of the automobile service business of Sinopec’s W Petroleum Branch,
focusing on the use of STP theory to segment the market, to study market positioning
and the scope of business expansion, and again, to use the new SIVA theory to Big data
is the hypothesis. From the perspective of consumers, we will establish targeted
solutions, information, value, channels and other marketing control strategies.
This paper have four specific conclusions as follows:One is to using the matching
and binding relationship between refined oil and auto service products, combined with
site data, analyze the characteristics and sales volume of operating vehicles to form a
one-stop operation.The second is to give the site manager certain decision-making
powers, and implement one-stop-one strategy based on the differences of the sites, thus
showing the characteristics of Sinopec W Petroleum Branch, imagine precision
marketing, Raise a notch in the overall scale of sales.Third, it is based on the analysis
results of the SIVA theory, and promote the sub-brands of "Easy Jie" and "Easy Jie
Aotuo Mao" by building a good brand reputation. The fourth is the company needs to
explore the characteristics of the above-mentioned target groups of customers, and
formulate targeted marketing strategies based on their characteristics, so as to revise
the road ahead for the development of auto service, so as to help the future
development of Sinopec W branch.
Keywords: Gas Station; Automobile Service; SIVA theory;Marketing Strategy