新经济时代的到来冲击着整个金融市场,使得金融市场的竞争尤其激烈。 然而,银行业也不例外,在互联网金融、利率市场化的背景下,银行剪刀差的 优势已经不复存在,利润增长率也在持续下降,与此同时,一些新兴的支付机 构在不断蚕食原有的市场,商业银行的经营可谓压力山大、如履薄冰。面对如 此严峻的竞争压力,各大银行都在调整发展战略,大力发展中间业务,因此, 新一轮的客户资源争夺站已经拉开了帷幕。 中国经济的飞速发展带来个人财富不断积累,因此也创造了一批中高收入群 体。根据《2019中国私人财富报告》,截止2018年,我国高净值财富人群约197 万人,(高净值指个人资产达到1000万人民币以上),而全国个人持有的可投资资 产总量达190万亿人民币。这些人群对于财富增值管理的需要日益急迫,他们寻 求银行理财的同时也成为了银行的目标客户,他们给银行带来稳定的收入、提升 利润率的同时,也实现了自身的理财目标。作为成立不久的地方银行,兰州农商 银行要想在竞争中站稳脚跟,就更要重视优质客户营销。虽然目前兰州农商银行 在当前营销中存在很多不足,但也要充分认识机会与挑战,发掘自我优势,制定切 实可行的营销策略,才不会在优质客户竞争中处于劣势地位。 基于此,本文以兰州农商银行为研究对象,重点对该银行个人优质客户营 销策略展开研究,首先对该银行个人优质客户营销现状进行分析,通过问卷调 查及访谈法得出目前该银行在个人优质客户营销中存在的问题,然后利用PEST 分析法、SWOT分析法对该银行面临的宏观营销环境与微观营销环境展开深入探 讨,剖析强弱机威,在此基础上对目标客户进行定位,同时利用7Ps营销组合理 论的七个方面对兰州农商银行优化优质客户营销策略提供参考和借鉴;最后从技 术平台建设、客户经理队伍建设、绩效考核等四个角度为营销策略的实施提供 保障。 关键词:兰州农商银行,个人优质客户,营销策略 MBA学位论文 作者:陈自贤 兰州农商银行个人优质客户营销策略优化研究 II RESEARCH ON MARKETING STRATEGY OF PERSONAL HIGH-QUALITY CUSTOMER OF LANZHOU RURAL COMMERCIAL BANK Abstract With the coming of the new economic age, the competition between financial entities becoming intensively fierce. However, the bank is no exception, the interest rate scissors of banks is no longer the most advantageous way to gain profile as the backgrounds of internet finance and rate marketization. Meanwhile, commercial banks were confronted with unprecedented pressures and challenges because many of emerging payment institutions are ceaselessly encroaching on existing market. Consequently, banks have no choice but to adjust their policies, put more attention to intermediary business to ensure the healthy development of themselves. New competition of costumer resource has begun. A great number of high and middle income groups have emerged as a result of rapid development of Chinese economy and accumulation of personal wealth. China's private wealth will continue to grow in 2018, according to the report on private wealth in China jointly, the high net worth individuals who could invest more than 10 million have been reached 1million 970 thousand. These people are urge to achieve wealth appreciation management. They want wealth management, while they also become the target costumers for banks. They not only stable incomes lead to for banks, but also improved interest rates. As a new set up bank, Lanzhou Rural Commercial Bank has many disadvantages in promotion. However, there is no doubt that Lanzhou Rural Commercial Bank must make practical promotion strategies in order to promote high valued customers. The paper choices the Lanzhou Rural Commercial Bank as the research object, aiming to realize the promotion strategies of individual high quality costumers. The writer will use questionnaire and interview to learn the situation of individual costumer promotion and pick up the disadvantages of existing disadvantages. Then the writer will use SWOT analyst and PEST analyst. Combined the study the macro MBA学位论文 作者:陈自贤 兰州农商银行个人优质客户营销策略优化研究 III and micro economic surroundings, the advantages and disadvantages, chances and weaknesses will be concluded. Next, the writer will position the target costumer and give some promotion strategic suggestions through the marketing theory of 7ps from Production, Price, Place, etc. Finally, the writer will put forward to reference strategies for following aspects: construction of technology platform, the development of costumer manager group, performance appraisal. Key words:Lanzhou Rural Commercial Bank, Personal Quality Customer, marketing strategy MBA学位论文 作者:陈自贤 兰州农商银行个人优质客户营销策略优化研究 IV 目 录 中文摘要 ................................................. I Abstract ................................................ II 一、绪论 ................................................. 1 1.1 研究背景与意义 .............................................. 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ................................................ 1 1.1.2 研究意义 ................................................ 1 1.2 研究内容 .................................................... 2 1.3 研究工具与方法 .............................................. 4 1.3.1 研究方法 ................................................ 4 1.3.2 研究工具 ................................................ 4 二、相关理论基础 ......................................... 6 2.1 商业银行市场营销理论 ........................................ 6 2.2 优质客户界定及优质客户营销的概念 ............................ 7 2.2.1 银行优质客户界定 ........................................ 7 2.2.2 优质客户营销的文献综述 .................................. 8 2.3 7Ps营销理论 ................................................. 9 2.3.1 7Ps营销理论 ............................................. 9 2.3.2 7Ps营销理论在银行优质客户营销中的应用 .................. 12 三、兰州农商银行个人优质客户营销现状与问题分析 .......... 14 3.1 兰州农商银行简介 ........................................... 14 3.2 兰州农商银行个人优质客户营销现状 ........................... 14 3.2.1 兰州农商银行对个人优质客户的界定 ....................... 14 3.2.2 针对个人优质客户营销的产品结构 ......................... 15 3.2.3 个人优质客户营销渠道 ................................... 16 3.2.4 个人优质客户管理方式 ................................... 16 3.3 兰州农商银行优质客户满意度问卷调查及访谈分析 ............... 16 3.3.1 兰州农商银行个人优质客户满意度问卷调查 ................. 17 3.3.2 兰州农商银行中基层管理者访谈 ........................... 21 MBA学位论文 作者:陈自贤 兰州农商银行个人优质客户营销策略优化研究 V 3.4 兰州农商银行个人优质客户营销存在的营销问题 ................. 22 3.4.1 产品营销创新不足 ....................................... 22 3.4.2 市场细分不细致 ......................................... 22 3.4.3 产品定价体制不完善 ..................................... 23 3.4.4 营销渠道狭窄 ........................................... 23 3.4.5 专业管理人员匮乏 ....................................... 25 四、兰州农商银行个人优质客户营销环境分析 ................ 26 4.1 宏观营销环境分析 ........................................... 26 4.1.1 政治环境 ............................................... 26 4.1.2 经济环境 ............................................... 26 4.1.3 社会文化 ............................................... 27 4.1.4 技术环境 ............................................... 27 4.2 微观营销环境分析 ........................................... 28 4.2.1 企业内部环境 ........................................... 28 4.2.2 供应商 ................................................. 29 4.2.3 竞争对手 ............................................... 29 4.2.4 客户 ................................................... 30 4.3 SWOT分析 ................................................... 32 4.3.1 内部优势分析 ........................................... 32 4.3.2 内部劣势分析 ........................................... 33 4.3.3 外部机会分析 ........................................... 34 4.3.4 外部威胁分析 ........................................... 36 4.3.5 SWOT分析结论 ........................................... 37 五、兰州农商银行个人优质客户营销策略优化 ................ 39 5.1 兰州农商银行目标市场选择 ................................... 39 5.1.1 市场细分 ............................................... 39 5.1.2 目标市场选择 ......................