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非公路矿用车行业是工程机械行业的细分产业,在我国基础设施建设、矿产 资源开发以及国民经济快速发展的过程中起到非常重要的作用。行业的发展与国 家在基础设施建设上的投资以及矿业的周期性波动等因素紧密相关。国家在煤炭、 钢铁、有色金属、水泥等领域的宏调控政策和固定资产投资增速,直接影响矿用 车行业的总需求。短期来看,全球经济复苏势头微弱和矿业持续下行,必将导致 对矿用车需求的下滑。加之,宽体自卸车正在逐渐替代传统小吨位非公路矿用车, 行业竞争程度异常激烈,市场出现了过度营销、恶性竞争的局面。长期来看,矿 业作为工业发展和经济发展的基础,重要地位无可取代,且“一带一路”沿线国 家矿产资源丰富,经济也欠发达,需要大力发展矿业以助推其工业化进程,矿山 机械潜在市场需求依然广阔。面对这些挑战和机遇,作为国内非公路矿用车行业 中的龙头企业北方股份应采取怎样的竞争战略,才能获得更强的市场竞争优势, 实现赢利性增长? 本文以北方股份非公路矿用车业务为研究对象,从公司实际出发,运用竞争 战略相关理论和分析工具,对公司非公路矿用车业务的战略环境、战略资源能力 进行全面分析,确定其当前所面临的机遇和威胁,以及自身的优势和劣势;然后 利用SWOT矩阵分析进行战略选择,研究所得:公司非公路矿用车业务的总体发展 战略要采取SO增长型战略,竞争战略主要采用成本领先战略,并从执行性成本驱 动因素视角具体给出成本领先战略的实现途径;最后,有针对性地从管理水平、 人才培养、创新能力、营销体系、服务理念五个方面制定战略保障措施。 希望本论文的研究结论能够为北方股份在战略决策上可以提供一定的参考。 同时,北方股份作为国内非公路矿用车行业的龙头企业,具有典型性,研究其非 公路矿用车业务竞争战略对同类企业具有一定的借鉴意义。 关键词:非公路矿用车行业,北方股份,竞争战略,成本领先战略 II Abstract Off-highway Mining Dump Truck industry, a segment of construction equipment industry, plays a vital role in China’s infrastructure construction, mining development and the fast development of national economy. Its development is closely associated with the periodic performance of mining industry and the growth of investment on infrastructure. The macro- controls policies implemented in the industries of mining, steel, non-ferrous, cement etc. and the investment growth of fixed assets directly impact on the needs from the downstream customers, and consequently the total demand of mining truck is affected. From the short term the demand on the mining truck continues decline driven by weak macroeconomic recovery and mining industry downturn. Moreover, Wide Body Truck is gradually replacing the small-class mining truck. As a result of these above, the competition in mining truck industry is extremely fierce, and excessive marketing and cut-throat competition arise in the market. From the long term mining industry is still the basic support on the industrial development and its importance cannot be replaced. The countries along Belt and Road Initiative have rich mineral resources, and these underdeveloped countries require developing mining to drive their industrialization process. Therefore there is much potential market demand on the mining truck in these regions. Facing these challenges and opportunities what competitive strategy will be adopted by Inner Mongolia North Hauler Joint Stock Company Limited (NHL), which is the dominant leader in China’s off-highway mining dump truck market, to obtain stronger competition advantages and drive profitable growth? In this paper, NHL’s off-highway mining dump truck business is taken as the research objective. The threats and opportunities which NHL is currently facing, along with its strengths and weaknesses, are indentified by a thorough analysis of strategic environment and strategic resources and capabilities for NHL’ mining truck business, with a proper use of the theories and analysis methods in relation to competitive strategy. And then based on the SWOT analysis the strategies for the mining dump truck business are selected as: the overall development strategy should adopt strength-opportunity growth strategy, and the cost leadership strategy is recommended for its competitive strategy. Lastly, the detailed measures to the strategy focusing on the execution cost drive are given. Lastly, the strategic safeguard measures are suggested III from perspective of management, talent cultivation, innovation, marketing and sales, and service, to ensure the strategy is put into place successfully. The results of the paper are expected to provide NHL with some references on its strategy decision making. Moreover, NHL is a typically representative company as a market leader in China’s off-highway mining dump truck industry. The research on its competitive strategy will also bring some reference for other similar enterprises. Key words:off –highway mining dump truck industry, NHL, competitive strategy cost leadership strategy IV 目 录 第一章 绪论 ........................................................ 1 1.1研究背景与意义 ............................................... 1 1.1.1研究背景 ................................................ 1 1.1.2研究意义 ................................................ 3 1.2概念界定和理论基础 ........................................... 4 1.2.1基本概念界定 ............................................ 4 1.2.2相关基础理论 ............................................ 5 1.3研究思路及方法 ............................................... 8 1.3.1研究思路 ................................................ 8 1.3.2研究方法 ................................................ 9 1.4研究内容 ..................................................... 9 第二章 北方股份非公路矿用车业务发展现状 ........................... 11 2.1公司简介 .................................................... 11 2.2北方股份非公路矿用车业务发展现状 ............................ 11 2.3北方股份非公路矿用车业务发展中存在的问题 .................... 13 第三章 北方股份非公路矿用车业务发展环境分析 ....................... 16 3.1宏观环境分析 ................................................ 16 3.1.1政治法律环境 ........................................... 16 3.1.2经济环境 ............................................... 17 3.1.3技术环境 ............................................... 24 3.2行业环境分析 ................................................ 25 3.2.1行业特征 ............................................... 25 3.2.2行业竞争结构分析 ....................................... 26 3.2.3行业发展趋势 ........................................... 28 3.3机遇与威胁分析 .............................................. 30 3.3.1机遇 ................................................... 30 3.3.2 威胁 .................................................. 31 第四章 北方股份非公路矿用车业务发展条件分析 ....................... 32 4.1资源条件分析 ................................................ 32 4.1.1人力资源 ............................................... 32 4.1.2技术资源 ............................................... 33 V 4.1.3供应配套资源 ........................................... 33 4.1.4生产运营资源 ........................................... 34 4.1.5客户资源 ............................................... 34 4.2能力条件分析 ................................................ 35 4.2.1研发能力 ............................................... 35 4.2.2营销能力 ............................................... 36 4.2.3盈利能力 ............................................... 36 4.2.4管理能力 ............................................... 37 4.3优势与劣势分析 .............................................. 37 4.3.1优势 ................................................... 37 4.3.2劣势 ................................................... 38 第五章 北方股份非公路矿用车业务竞争战略选择 ....................... 40 5.1 SWOT分析 ................................................... 40 5.1.1 SO组合 ................................................ 41 5.1.2 ST组合 ................................................ 41 5.1.3 WO组合 ................................................ 41 5.1.4 WT组合 ................................................ 42 5.2总体发展战略选择 ............................................ 42 5.3竞争战略选择 ...........................................