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汇 编出版,釆用影印、缩印或者其它方式合理复制学位报告。 本学位报告属于: ( )1.经厦门大学保密委员会审查核定的保密学位报告, 于 年月 日解密,解密后适用上述授权。 (请在以上相应括号内打“V或填上相应内容。保密学位报告应 是已经厦门大学保密委员会审定过的学位报告,未经厦门大学保密委 员会审定的学位报告均为公开学位报告。此声明栏不填写的,默认为 公开学位报告,均适用上述授权。) 声明人(签名): 乂i+年上月以日 摘要 摘要 近年来,随着市场竞争的加剧和买方市场的形成,赊销成为企业间贸易往来 的一种重要的结算方式。由于保理业务能够解决赊销中供应商的资金占压以及国 际贸易中进口商的信用风险问题,迎合了当前国内、国际贸易的需要,在我国发 展迅速。 我国开展保理业务的历史较短,目前95%以上的保理业务由银行承做,商业 保理还处于起步阶段。为促进信用销售,支持中小商贸企业发展,2012年起国 家商务部陆续批准一些地区开展商业保理试点。政策出台后,全国范围内几百家 商业保理公司相继设立。商业保理瞄准了中小企业这一巨大市场,在加速企业应 收账款流转、盘活存量资金,提高企业风险管理能力,扩大信用销售、降低交易 成本等方面的重要作用日益凸显。随着行业发展环境的逐步改善和商业保理企业 的日益壮大,以及电子商务保理和供应链融资等新型保理业态的发展,预计商业 保理业务规模将呈现出持续高速增长态势,商业保理行业将迎来全新的发展阶段。 笔者任职的HT集团是厦门市一家成立20年的国有企业,主业为房地产开发、 工程建设、贸易、物流和工业园区运营,近年来公司一直在寻求机会进入金融和 类金融领域,并把商业保理行业作为一个选择。 本文通过分析认为,商业保理是一个新兴的行业,在厦门有较好的市场基础, HT集团开展商业保理具备一定优势,与公司现有的物流、贸易、工业园区运营 等业务能形成优势互补,或将成为公司转型与新一轮发展的契机。 关键词:商业保理;供应链金融;应收账款 Abstract Abstract In the recent years, along witii increased market competition and the formation of a buyer's market, selling on credit become to be an important way of settlement in trades between companies. Factoring business which meets the needs of domestic and international trades achieved a rapid development in China, because it can solve the capital problem of credit suppliers, as well as the credit risk problem of importers in international trades. Development of the factoring business has a relatively short history in China. At present,more than 95% of the factoring business is occupied by banks. Commercial factoring is still in its infancy. In order to promote the credit sales and support the small and medium-sized commercial enterprises, the State Department of Commerce approved of some areas to carry out commercial factoring pilot in 2012. Hundreds of commercial factoring companies set up in the nationwide after the aimouncement of the policy. Commercial factoring business aimed at the huge market of tiie small and medium-sized enterprises. Commercial factoring plays a much more important role in accelerating accounts receivable turnover, invigorating stock funds, enhancing the capabilities of risk management, expansion credit sales, reducing the transaction cost and so on. With the gradual development of environment, the growing of commercial factoring companies, as well as the development of the new type of factoring business, E_commerce factoring and supply chain financing, factoring business is coming into the new phase in development, which is expected to show a rapid growth trend. HT group the author works for is a 20-years-old state-owned enterprise which focuses on real estate development, construction, trade, logistics and industrial park operation. In recent years, the company is keying on seeking the opportunity to enter the finance and financial fields. Commercial factoring is also one option. The paper come to a conclusion through analysis: Commercial factoring is an emerging industry and owned a good foundation in Xiamen market; HT group has a certain advantage in commercial factoring, which can form a complementary to the existing business of the company, such as logistics,trade, industrial park operations and so on. Commercial factoring may bring the company new opportunities of development. Key Words: Commercial factoring; Supply chain finance; Accounts receivable 银m Abstract 目@ Contents 第1章绪论 1.1研究背景 1.2研究目的 1.3研究的内容及报告框架 第2章保理行业的发展状况 2.1保理的概念 2.2保理行业的发展历史与现状 2.3国内保理行业的发展状况 2.4商业保理的市场状况 第3章保理业务的种类与商业保理的业务模式 3.1保理业务的分类 3.2商业保理的主要业务模式 3.3商业保理的盈利模式 第4章商业保理行业分析 4.1宏观环境分析 4. 2行业环境分析 4.3基于供应链金融的商业保理 4.4行业风险分析 4.5本章小结 第5章HT集团开展商业保理业务可行性分析. 5.1 HT集团概况 5.2企业所在地区经济运行情况 5. 3 HT集团开展商业保理业务SWOT分析 5.4本章小结 目录 第6章HT集团商业保理业务的战略定位与业务模式 35 6.1竞争战略与运营模式 35 6.2目标客户与产品 36 6.3股本安排与经营测算 36 6. 4风险分析与对策 39 第7章结论 43 7.1研究的主要结论 43 7. 2研究的不足之处 43