Customer Success as a discipline has come of age. Organizationsare realizing its importance in their own growth curve and havebegun investing in Customer Success teams. What are these Customer Success teams striving to achieveAnd how are they faring in meeting those objectives Whatare the challenges they are facing And what is the positiveoutcome that organizations are deriving out of their Customer Success initiatives These are some questions that we decided to fnd answers to. Sowe spoke in depth to 100 senior Customer Success executives inlarge and medium sized organizations in the technology space.Their inputs helped us shape this report. Introduction IndustryRevenue LevelEmployee SizeRespondent Profle Computer Software10,001+5,001 - 10,000 1,001 - 5,000501 - 1,000 201 - 50051 - 200 11 - 50$1B $501M - 1B $251 - 500M $101 - 250M $51 - 100M $11 - 50M $1 - 10M VPs Directors Managers Others Internet Information Technology and Services 61%4% 8% 13% 17% 30% 25% 3% 12% 5% 5% 9% 14% 32% 23% 9% 10% 68% 13% 30% 9% 01State of Customer Success 2018 72% of organizations have a clearly-defned Customer Successstrategy while 28% don’t have one yet. Reducing churn (66%) and increasing product usage (65%) arethe top-ranked objectives of a Customer Success program. Upsell & cross-sell (38%) and increasing average revenue fromeach customer (32%) are less-pursued objectives of a CustomerSuccess program. Renewals (68%) is the most-popular metric used by marketers tomeasure Customer Success; more involved metrics like customerreferral rate (10%) and lifetime value (5%) are less popular. Email (88%) and phone (80%) are the most-preferred customerengagement channels.Social media (12%) and website (10%) are the least-preferredcustomer engagement channels.Managing customer expectations (57%) and measuringcustomer satisfaction (52%) are the biggest challenges CustomerSuccess programs face. Predictive analytics (67%) is the most-sought-after technology inCustomer Success; virtual & augmented reality (10%), the least- sought-after. Key Findings 02State of Customer Success 2018 。。。。。。