户关系管理,并尝试将其应用于银行经营管理的各个环节中。A 银行苏州分行虽然在
相关理论研究为基础,借鉴国外银行实施客户关系管理的成功经验,对 A 银行苏州分
作 者:凌 鹿
Research on customer relationship management
of A bank Suzhou branch
Customer relationship management is not only a concept but also a tool for business
management.Based on the concept of “Customer-centric” ,customer relationship
management helps the enterprises to build long-term relationship with the
customers,insisting on which the enterprises will create their core competitiveness and
expand their market.Customer relationship management is a way to raise brand image and
realize sustainable development.
Following the fierce competition among the commercial banks and the personalized
demands of the customers,the traditional running way concentrated on products can no
longer make the commercial banks maintain competitive advantage. More and more banks
realize the importance of customer relationship management and try to apply it to all fields
of bank operation. A Bank Suzhou Branch has already got some achievements on applying
customer relationship management.However, problems has rose from immaturity of the
awareness and imperfectness of the system.
This paper starts with the introduction of the background, significance,contents and
structure of the research. Referred to the CRM theory and the successful experience of
foreign banks ,this paper analyzed the current status of A Bank Suzhou Branch in
implementation of CRM. Problems in aspects of service philosophy, department
setting,data system,operating process and performance appraisal exist and concrete refined
measures put forward below: lay emphasis on service philosophy, set high-value customer
management department and research and development department, integrate data system,
simplify the operating process etc.
Keywords: Customer relationship management, Commercial bank, Customer value,
Customer demand
Written By:Ling Lu
SupervisedBy:Zhong Xudong目 录
第一章 绪 论 .......1
1.1 研究背景和意义 .........1
1.1.1 研究的背景...........1
1.1.2 研究的意义...........1
1.2 研究框架 .........3
1.3 研究方法和内容 .........3
1.3.1 研究方法...3
1.3.2 研究内容...4
1.4 本文可能的创新 .........4
第二章 国内外研究综述与相关理论.......5
2.1 国内外研究综述及简要评析 .5
2.1.1 国外研究综述.......5
2.1.2 国内研究综述.......6
2.2 客户关系管理的相关理论 .....6
2.2.1 客户关系管理理论...........6
2.2.2 关系营销理论.......7
2.2.3 客户关系生命周期理论...8
2.2.4 客户价值管理理论...........9
2.2.5 客户细分理论.....10
第三章 国内外商业银行客户关系管理的现状.11
3.1 国外银行实施客户关系管理的成功经验 ... 11
3.1.1 花旗银行——数据库与呼叫中心建设. 11
3.1.2 汇丰银行——客户细分,为客户提供差异化服务..... 11
3.1.3 德累斯顿银行——打造以客户为中心的组织机构和业务流程..........12
3.2 国内银行客户关系管理的现状 .......13第四章 A 银行苏州分行客户关系管理的现状 .15
4.1 A 银行苏州分行概况.15
4.1.1 A 银行苏州分行的客户增长情况..........15
4.1.2 A 银行苏州分行盈利方式的转型..........16
4.1.3 A 银行苏州分行的组织结构......16
4.2 A 银行苏州分行客户关系管理的应用.........16
4.2.1 A 银行苏州分行的信息数据管理系统..16
4.2.2 推进渠道建设.....17
4.2.3 对客户实行分类管理.....17
4.2.4 实行客户经理制.19
4.2.5 注重网点建设,完善网点服务功能.....19
4.2.6 实行客户满意度调查.....19
4.3 A 银行苏州分行客户关系管理存在的问题.20
4.3.1 没有从根本上形成“以客户为中心”的经营理念 .........21
4.3.2 在客户管理上仍显薄弱.21
4.3.3 部门设置不合理........