湖南省为研究对象,以 2006 年至 2015 年的 10 年时间为考察期进行入境旅游消
《湖南省国民经济和社会发展统计公报》以及国家统计局网站等的 2006-2015
Inbound tourism develops continuously since the Reform and Opening, its role
definition turns developing diplomatic relations to earning foreign exchanges,
inbound tourism consumption of the visitors from outside of China is an important
indicator of appraising the inbound tourism development. The Year Book of China
Tourism statistics 2016 points out that we should raise the level of the inbound
tourism consumption.
Tourism consumption structure is an important symbol of the levels of national
and regional tourism development. By analyzing the inbound tourism consumption
structure, we can know that both the consumption of the tourists and the inbound
tourism development situation. Hunan as a big province with flourishing tourism
resources is very famous in the world, so Hunan has an advantage in developing
inbound tourism. But through observing the inbound tourism figures of Hunan in
recent years can be found that it is lower than the national average level, such as both
the total consumption growth rate and the proportion in the whole country’s inbound
tourism are lower, and so on. Therefore, this paper analyzes the inbound tourism
consumption structure of Hunan province comprehensively from 2006 to 2015,
summarizing the problems and reasons, making some recommendations in order to
improve the inbound tourism consumption structure, stimulating consumption and
increasing the foreign exchanges.
In the process of writing, based on The Year Book of China Tourism statistics,
The tourism sample survey information, Statistical bulletin of Hunan’s national
economic and social development and the data information from 2006 to 2015 of the
NBS website, analyzing the inbound tourism consumption structure by introducing
Index of tourism consumption structure, Information entropy and Location entropy to
analyzing the tourism consumption structure of Hunan in structure sophistication,
changes of the structure and specialization; analyzing the whole inbound tourism
development and each department of Hunan Province with Dynamic Shift-Share
Method to clearing development direction of the department; at last, analyzing the
relevance of each tourism consumption department of Hunan Province by gray
analysis method. The calculation results show that there are following problems: the
attraction of the inbound tourism consumption declines fluctuating; the consumption
of the senior departments in the inbound tourism needs to be improved; the structureIII
benefits of the leading department structure are in a vulnerable position; the
characteristic of the inbound tourism needs to be strengthen; some departments have
The article according to the actual situation of the inbound tourism development
in Hunan Province, putting forward some corresponding countermeasures: improving
the transport infrastructure and the competitiveness level; setting up the tourism brand
image and enhancing the tourist attraction; strengthening the humanization
construction of the hotel and meeting the needs of the travellers; making full use of
the advantages of local dining industry and building a new travelling card; building
characteristic shopping mode and realizing the sustainable development; stimulating
the entertainment needs of the travlers and digging the travellers’ consumed potential;
increasing related security measures, making efforts to adjust the consumption
structure and promoting consumption.
Key Words: Hunan province; inbound tourism; consumption structure; optimizing
目 录
第 1 章 绪论....1
1.1 选题背景..........1
1.1.1 入境旅游人数和消费大幅度提高..........1
1.1.2 国家重视改善入境旅游消费情况..........1
1.1.3 湖南省入境旅游消费问题明显..1
1.2 研究意义..........2
1.2.1 理论意义..2
1.2.2 现实意义..2
1.3 研究综述..........2
1.3.1 入境旅游研究综述..........2
1.3.2 消费结构研究综述..........4
1.3.3 入境旅游消费结构研究综述......6
1.3.4 研究述评..7
1.4 研究目标与内容..........7
1.4.1 研究目标..7
1.4.2 研究内容..8
1.5 研究方法与技术路线..8
1.5.1 研究方法..8
1.5.2 技术路线..9
1.6 创新之处........10
第 2 章 相关概念及理论基础..........11
2.1 相关概念........