进行整理阅读和系统研究。以浙江省绍兴市 D 保安服务公司为具体
工作满意度调查问卷,向 D 公司保安员进行发放问卷、解释、填写、
论文提出,以 D 保安服务公司经营现状为基础、发展目标为导
最后列出对 D 保安服务公司保安员激励机制的保障措施。目前,国
D 保安服务公司作为浙江绍兴地区规模最大的民营保安服务公司之
关键词: 保安员、 满意度、 激励机制III
As a special kind of security service, the modern security service industry has been
developed for more than 150 years abroad, the current global market size has
exceeded $150 billion,it is one of the important categories of modern service industry.
January 1, 2010 is an important day for security service industry in China, the State
Council promulgated the Regulations of security service management, the first clear
from the law of the market status of security service industry in our country, it
provides a historic opportunity for the development of the domestic security service
industry. In the past 7 years, although the private security service companies have
been growing rapidly, there are still many problems in the internal management of
many companies, and there is a wide range of problems such as low enthusiasm and
high turnover rate.
First of all, this paper makes a systematic study on the related books and literatures of
the security service enterprises. Shaoxing D security service company in Zhejiang
Province as the specific object of study, the company&39;s management leadership
interviews to understand the current situation of the company&39;s security personnel.
The level of demand theory, two factor theory, objective theory of motivation theory
as the theoretical basis, combing the security guards in security work, the problems
concerned for the salary, promotion and development, the relationship between
colleagues, superiors and relationship between the five aspects of preparation, security
officer job satisfaction questionnaire, to D company security officer, interpretation,
fill in the questionnaire, the study of data recovery, then analysis.
This paper, with the development goal of D security service company as the guidance,
according to the satisfaction and demand different tendency in different age and
different culture degree, different departments of the security guards, targeted to
develop security personnel incentive mechanism, including salary, work environment,
corporate culture, staff development needs, goals and honor motivation etc. hand.
Finally, the security measures of the D security service company frontline security
personnel are listed. At present, theoretical and empirical research on domestic
security companies less front-line security guards of the incentive mechanism,
Shaoxing D security service company in Zhejiang Shaoxing area is one of the largest
private security services company, it’s typical and representative, the conclusions of
this study can provide a reference for other domestic private security service company
security management. There are some enlightenment to promote the healthyIV
development of our country&39;s security service industry.
Key words: security staff; Satisfaction degree; Incentive mechanism浙江工业大学硕士学位论文 绍兴 D 保安服务公司保安员激励机制研究
目 录
1 绪论 .. 1
1.1 研究背景与意义 1
1.1.1 研究背景..1
1.1.2 研究意义..2
1.2 研究内容与方法 3
1.2.1 研究内容..3
1.2.2 研究方法..4
1.3 主要创新点 ....5
2 文献综述与理论基础7
2.1 国内外研究现状 7
2.1.1 国外研究现状..........7
2.1.2 国内研究现状.........11
2.2 主要理论基础 .13
2.2.1 需求层次理论.........13
2.2.2 双因素理论...........14
3 D 保安服务公司激励机制现状 .... 17
3.1 D 保安服务公司概况 .......17
3.1.1 公司简介.17
3.1.2 公司组织架构.........17
3.1.3 公司保安员队伍基本情况...........18
3.1.4 公司发展机遇及挑战...20
3.2 D 保安服务公司人力资源管理现状 .......21
3.2.1 公司现行人力资源规章制度.........21
3.2.2 公司保安员激励现状...22
3.2.3 公司负责人对激励问题的认识.......23
4 D 保安服务公司员工满意度调查分析 .......... 25
4.1 问卷调查设计与实施 .......25
4.1.1 问卷设计的目的和过程.25
4.1.2 问卷数据的收集.......26
4.2 调查结果与分析 ...........27浙江工业大学硕士学位论文 绍兴 D 保安服务公司保安员激励机制研究
4.2.1 问卷信度检验.........27
4.2.2 问卷效度检验.........28
4.2.3 问卷数据分析.........29
5 D 保安服务公司保安员激励机制优化设计 ...... 43
5.1 公司激励机制的改进目标、原则和思路 ...43
5.1.1 激励机制改进目标.....43
5.1.2 激励机制改进原则.....43
5.1.3 激励机制改进思路.....45
5.2 构建以留住人为导向的保健机制 .........45
5.2.1 构建科学合理的薪酬体系...........46
5.2.2 营造良好的工作环境...50
5.3 构建以提升发展为导向的激励机制 .......51
5.3.1 构建健康向上的企业文化...........51
5.3.2 注重成长激励.........52
5.3.3 抓好目标激励和荣誉激励...........54
5.4 D 公司激励机制实施与保障 .56
5.4.1 升级保安队员管理理念.56
5.4.2 改革公司人力资源管理架构.........56
5.4.3 把好保安队员招聘关...57
5.4.4 尽快完善相关配套制度.57
6 结论与展望 ....... 59
6.1 研究结论 .....59
6.2 研究展望 .....59
参考文献 ...........61
附 录一 65
附 录二 67
致 谢 ........