本文在对风险及国际贸易风险的相关理论进行总结的基础上,以河北 LY 公
查发现,作为百分之百外销的童装出口企业,河北 LY 公司的绝大部分产品输往
日本,而其对日贸易自 2010 年以来出现总量在上下波动中总体下行的趋势,利
因此,本文建议 LY 公司结合内外部情况,针对出口受限风险、债权回收风
Since the beginning of the reform and opening-up, China&39;s textile industry has
developed rapidly, and China has become one of the fastest-growing countries in the
global textile industry. With exceptional advantage in labor, raw materials and other
aspects, China has become the world factory. In spite of having promoted the
development of China&39;s national economy for a long time, this has also confronted
China&39;s textile export industry with a series of risks amid the gradual maturation of
the domestic economy and the constant changes of global demands. A growing
number of events show that China&39;s textile export industry is facing internal and
external troubles, and needs wisdom on the way ahead. Therefore, with Hebei LY
Company, a typical small & medium-sized clothing foreign trade enterprise selected
from numerous Chinese textile export companies, as target, and its export trade with
Japan as scope, this paper will conduct a risk study.
On the basis of summarizing the theories of risks and the risk of international
trade, this paper studies the basic operation and trade operation of LY, as well as its
cases of export trade with Japan. A survey shows that LY exports most of its products
to Japan as a children&39;s wear export enterprise, and its total trade volume with Japan
and profit margin have declined overall in fluctuations since 2010. The phenomenon
has been caused by export restriction, the difficulty in customers&39; contract
performance, the difficulty in the recovery of payment for goods and devaluation, the
continuous increase in cost and other factors. After an analysis of the internal and
external causes of these factors, it is discovered that, externally, the company is
mainly affected by the decline in the overall consumption power of export
destinations, the gradual transfer of production bases from China to Southeast Asia,
the drastic fluctuation in exchange rates and the rise in overall industrial costs;
internally, for lack of the awareness of risk management or practical ability, the
company&39;s market is excessively concentrated, and its deficient in credit risk, foreign3
exchange risk and cost risk management.
Therefore, this paper suggests that LY should take corresponding measures for
the risk of export restriction, the risk of debt recovery, the risk of payment devaluation,
the risk of cost rise and the risk of overall management in light of its internal and
external conditions, and implement scientific management measures for market
development, credit extension, contract guarantee design, use of foreign currency
hedging instruments, product and business model innovation, and overall guarantee.
Keywords: Risk management, textile, export trade with Japan4
目 录
第 1 章 绪论.........1
1.1 研究背景及意义 ..........1
1.1.1 研究背景...........1
1.1.2 研究意义 ...........2
1.2 国内外研究现状 ..........2
1.2.1 国外研究现状.......2
1.2.2 国内研究现状.......3
1.2.3 小结...4
1.3 研究内容与研究方法 ......5
1.3.1 研究内容...........5
1.3.2 研究方法...........5
1.4 研究框架 ....5
第 2 章 国际贸易风险管理相关理论.7
2.1 风险管理概要 7
2.1.1 风险的定义.........7
2.1.2 风险管理的定义、目的和方法.....7
2.2 国际贸易风险管理理论 ...10
2.2.1 国际贸易风险的概念10
2.2.2 国际贸易风险的分类和应对方法..11
第 3 章 河北 LY 公司对日服装贸易的现状与风险.17
3.1 河北 LY 公司基本情况 ....17
3.1.1 公司概要..........17
3.1.2 公司外贸业务流程..18
3.1.3 公司经营情况......20
3.2 河北 LY 公司对日出口业务风险类型分析 21
3.2.1 出口受限风险......215
3.2.2 债权回收风险......22
3.2.3 货款贬值风险......24
3.2.4 成本上升风险......25
3.3 河北 LY 公司对日出口业务风险原因分析 26
3.3.1 外部原因..........26
3.3.2 内部原因..........33
第 4 章 结论与建议..37
4.1 结论 .......37
4.2 河北 LY 公司对日出口业务风险管理建议 37
4.2.1 调整出口市场结构..37
4.2.2 加强信用风险管理..38
4.2.3 加强汇率风险管理..42
4.2.4 开展渠道及品牌建设43
4.2.5 建立风险管理小组..43
致 谢..45
附 录..48中国地质大学(北京)专业硕士学位论文第 1 章 绪论
1.1 研究背景及意义
1.1.1 研究背景
失或不到位。此外,因汇率浮动及大宗商品价格的下降,2016 年中国失去了世
公布的数据,从 2016 年初到同年 12 月 21 日,共有 27 个国家或者地区针对中国
发起了贸易救济调查,数量达到 117 起,涉案总金额为 139.8 亿美元,案件的数
量以及金额同比上升了 34.5%和 71.5%,预计 2017 年中国的贸易摩擦形势将更加
策略,2013 年中国产品在日本进口服装市场上的份额较上年下降 2.6 个百分点,
日本自其他东南亚的进口份额增加,自印度尼西亚的进口额增幅为 58%,自越南
的增幅为 37.8%,泰国、孟加拉国也呈现出不同程度的增长态势。日本采购中心
转移的影响持续发酵,加之日本消费税的提高,进入 2014