案,并利用为期 1 年的时间付诸实施,取得了一定成效
The advent of the era of global high a nd new technology, the rise of high-tech
enterprises, the wide application of high-tech products, Especially the Hunnan district as
a member of the national Development Zone, the survival and development of high-tech
enterprises will become the core of the future industrial development, and different from
the traditional industry, high-tech enterprises tend to focus on hum an resources and
human resources management rely on. The traditional concept and experience of human
resources management, has been unable to match with the rapid developm ent of
high-tech enterprises, high-tech talent&39;s attention and demand, it has been unable to rely
on conventional fixed model to lead. Theref ore, it is very im portant to solve the
practical problems of high-tech enterprise s in hum an resource m anagement, and to
realize the value of human resource management to high-tech enterprises.
This paper takes Shenyang Siayuan Electronic Equipment Co. Ltd. as an example,
the existing human resources management facing rapid growth and development in the
company for more than ten years after a detailed analysis of problems on the basis of the
enterprise human resources management is discussed and studied in depth. First of all,
this paper discusses the basi c theory of high-tech ente rprises and hum an resource
management, including the identification of high-tech enterprises, the characteristics of
human resources and dom estic and interna tional research situation and so on. The
second is for the basic situation, Shenya ng Siayuan Electronic Equipment Co Ltd
introduces the vision of the future and th e present situation of hum an resource
management. Through the human factors and management problems with analysis leads
to the fourth part puts forward the feasibility of human resources reform and reshape the
scheme of Xinyuan com pany does not adapt to the current developm ent and
management, and the use of 1 years into practice, and achieved certain results.
Key words: Human resource management; Organization structure; rank system ;
salary system; training management目 录
第 1 章 绪论.........1
1.1 选题的背景及意义..........1
1.1.1 选题的背景...........1
1.1.2 选题的意义...........1
1.2 国内外研究情况介绍.....2
1.2.1 国外研究情况........2
1.2.2 国内研究情况.......2
1.3 研究的内容及方法.........3
1.3.1 研究的内容...........3
1.3.2 研究方法...3
1.4 论文的创新之处.4
第 2 章 高新技术企业特点与人力资源管理相关理论.5
2.1 高新技术企业相关概念.5
2.1.1 认定标准...5
2.1.2 基本特征...6
2.1.3 人力资源管理特点...........7
2.2 人力资源的相关理论....8
2.2.1 马斯洛需求层次理论.......8
2.2.2 赫兹伯格双因素理论.......9
2.2.3 X 理论、Y 理论及 Z 理论...........9
2.2.4 奥尔格弗 ERG 理论.........9
第 3 章 沈阳芯源微电子设备有限公司基本情况介绍........... 11
3.1 企业概况11
3.2 公司发展历程....12
3.3 人力资源管理情况........14
第 4 章 沈阳芯源微电子设备有限公司人力资源管理存在问题分析...........18
4.1 组织架构设计不合理....18
4.1.1 不适应新时期市场形势.18
4.1.2 衍生问题亟待解决.........19
4.1.3 缺乏深层次的研发储备.19
4.2 员工激励不够...194.2.1 晋升渠道不顺畅.20
4.2.2 员工享受福利不挂钩.....20
4.3 薪酬体系建设不科学...20
4.4 培训体系不健全....