军工企业 H 公司绩效管理存在的状况和存在问题进行深入分析;借鉴国内外企
业绩效管理的经验,针对性地对 H 公司绩效管理的改进和完善,提出了对策建
As an important part of the national economy, with all the state-owned military
enterprises, as enterprises have experienced a variety of changes in the market
economy, and is facing a new situation demands, the state-owned enterprises have in
common. Military industrial enterprises and other state-owned enterprises is an
important difference, namely military enterprises also bear the task of national
defense, so enterprises should strictly follow the state military layout tasks, to ensure
timely completion of the premise of quality plan, which is the military the special
nature of the enterprise. Because of some historical reasons, such as structural
contradictions, slow reform efforts, the lack of independent innovation capability and
so on, so that the development of military enterprises have many limitations.
Currently, the development of military enterprises showing a road extension,
extensive features, business owners and management of the business development
focused on some of the individual indicators, resulting in some military enterprises
blind pursuit of profit, the size, value and so on a number of immediate benefits , but
neglected to improve the environment, technological innovation, quality of assets,
reserves, and other long-term talent development goals. Military Enterprise
performance management can be allocated by the Government to promote military
enterprises to complete production tasks, macro management, the implementation of
competition and evaluation mechanism, establish incentives and oversight
mechanisms, can effectively promote the defense industry stable, coordinated and
efficient development. It is possible to solve the problem of military enterprises
correct specificity and commonality between effective and rational management of
the military industrial enterprises, so better able to solve more problems of military
enterprises, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of military enterprises, so that the
development of military enterprises to enter virtuous circle. Construction and
operation performance management system, to regulate the operation of military
enterprises, military enterprises connotation type to guide the direction of
development benefit formula.ABSTRACT
From corporate performance management perspective, through the theoretical
practical way contact, according to ask questions, analyze problems and
problem-solving ideas, first introduced the background and significance of research
and theory; and performance management concepts and theories are reviewed, as
Further research on performance management theoretical basis of military enterprises;
On this basis, the author of military enterprises H corporate performance management
problems in-depth analysis, the implementation of the safeguard measures have
targeted improvement programs and programs for the enterprise and the same type of
business in the future to provide improved performance management and learning
Keywords: performance management; military enterprises; business目录
目 录
第 1 章 绪论.........1
1.1 研究背景及意义.....1
1.1.1 研究背景 .........1
1.1.2 研究意义 .........1
1.2 国内外研究现状.....2
1.2.1 国外研究现状 .2
1.2.2 国内研究现状 .3
1.3 研究方法与思路.....4
1.3.1 研究方法 .........4
1.3.2 研究思路 .........4
第 2 章 相关概念及理论基础.....6
2.1 绩效管理的相关概念.........6
2.1.1 绩效与绩效管理 .........6
2.1.2 绩效管理的内容 .........6
2.1.3 绩效管理的目的 .........9
2.1.4 绩效考核 .......10
2.1.5 绩效管理与绩效考核的区别 ...........11
2.2 绩效管理的主要方法.......12
2.2.1 平衡计分卡 ...12
2.2.2 关键绩效指标法 .......12
2.2.3 360 度考核 .....13
2.3 绩效管理相关理论...........13
2.3.1 激励理论 .......13
2.3.2 目标管理理论 ...........13
2.3.3 目标一致性理论 .......14
2.3.4 双因素理论 ...14
2.4 军工企业及其绩效管理特点.......15
2.4.1 军工企业特点 ...........15目录
2.4.2 军工企业绩效管理特点 .......15
第 3 章 H 公司绩效管理现状分析 .......17
3.1 H 公司简介17
3.1.1 H 公司概况 ....17
3.1.2 H 公司组织结构 ........17
3.1.3 H 公司人力资源现状 17
3.2 H 公司绩效管理现状........19
3.2.1 H 公司现行绩效考核制度简介 ........19
3.2.2 H 公司现行绩效考核制度执行情况 22
3.2.3 H 公司现行绩效管理情况 ....23
3.3 H 公司绩效管理存在的主要问题及成因24
3.3.1 H 公司绩效管理存在的主要问题 ....24
3.3.2 H 公司绩效管理存在问题的成因 ....27
第 4 章 国外企业绩效管理模式的启示...........29
4.1 欧美模式的企业绩效管理...........29
4.2 日本模式的企业绩效管理...........30
4.3 对军工企业绩效管理的启示.......31
4.3.1 开创本土化的绩效管理 .......31
4.3.2 注重企业文化建设 ...31
4.3.3 加强绩效管理培训 ...32
第 5 章 完善 H 公司绩效管理的对策建议 ......33
5.1 建立科学合理的绩效管理体系...33
5.1.1 建立系统完善的绩效评价管理制度 ...........33
5.1.2 制定全员参与的绩效指标 ...34
5.2 改进绩效考核指标...........35
5.2.1 确定适合各部门的 KPI 考核指标...35
5.2.2 减少定性指标分歧 ...36
5.3 改进绩效沟通方式...........36
5.3.1 运用绩效面谈 ...........36
5.3.2 接受申诉 .......37
5.4 改进绩效评定方法...........38目录
5.4.1 采取自评和上级评价相结合 ...........38
5.4.2 实施强制分布法 .......38
5.5 科学利用绩效评价结果...39
5.5.1 制定员工绩效改进计划 .......39
5.5.2 将绩效评价结果与人力资源管理职能相结合 .......42
5.6 加强绩效管理的培训.......43
5.6.1 学习绩效管理先进理念 .......43
5.6.2 提高绩效管理培训的科学性和针对性 .......44
5.6.3 建立健全绩效管理制度 .......44
第 6 章 实现 H 公司绩效管理改进的几项保障措施 ..45
6.1 构建明确的责权界限.......45
6.2 建立具有激励性的薪酬制度.......45
6.3 建立以绩效为导向的军工企业文化.......46
6.4 绩效管理信息公开透明...46
第 7 章 研究结论与展望...........47
7.1 研究结论...47
7.2 研究展望...47
致 谢.......48
参考文献.49第 1 章 绪论