外部性;引入非航空性业务的新变量,构建并扩展了 Armstrong 价格模型,通过构建效
As public infrastructure, civil aviation airport plays an important role in the
comprehensive transportation system and the economic and social development. It is
generally believed that the civil aviation airport has a local monopoly characteristic, and the
price regulation is helpful to improve the social welfare. The Civil Aviation Administration of
China (“CAAC”) launches a series of policies and measures to regulate the pricing behavior
of airport on the basis of further clarifying the airport charge item since . The
aeronautical services fees and non-aeronautical important service fees comply with the
guidance price of the government, and can float downward in the actual charge when
negotiated with the user according to the difference of available facilities and service level,
generally not floating up. Other non-aeronautical services charge is market-based. The way of
Chinese price regulation for aeronautical services is basically in line with the price cap
regulation in the world. While along with the grouping process of the airport,
non-aeronautical revenues of many international airports whose passenger throughput is more
than 10 million have exceeded aeronautical revenues, and become the main source of income
of the airport. The traditional aeronautical service price regulation based on the one-sided
market theory cannot keep up with the pace of development of the airport industry. So the
two-sided market theory is introduced into the market airport price regulation field to provide
valuable reference for the research and practice of airport price regulation reform under this
The paper takes two-sided market theory as theoretical basis, and conduct theoretical
studies on the airport platform attributes, pricing (including pricing formula, influencing
factors and social welfare analysis) and price regulation (including social welfare analysis and
improvement of price regulation, price regulation comparison of domestic and international
airport, and thus proposed regulation strategy suggestions). The paper is composed of six
chapters, and the core content further clarifies the two-sided/ multiple-sided market attribute
of airport, analyze the airport pricing strategy and social welfare effect based on Armstrong
price model, and propose the price regulation strategy on the basis of combination of priceIII
regulation practice in domestic and international airport. The conclusion and proposed
strategy helps to further enrich and promote the study of price regulation in airport industry,
and it is a useful attempt to deepen the two-sided market theory and its application.
Keywords: Airport;Two-sided market theory;Airport service pricing;Price regulation;
Regulation strategyIV
目 录
摘 要.....I
Abstract. II
第一章 绪论.......1
1.1 研究背景与意义..........1
1.1.1 研究背景...........1
1.1.2 研究意义...........3
1.2 主要研究内容及框架..4
1.3 研究方法与技术路线..4
1.3.1 研究方法...........4
1.3.2 技术路线图.......5
1.4 创新之处..........6
第二章 双边市场理论及其应用综述...7
2.1 双边市场理论..7
2.1.1 双边市场的定义...........7
2.1.2 双边市场的特征...........8
2.1.3 双边市场的分类...........8
2.2 双边市场理论的应用..9
2.2.1 双边市场理论在非民航领域的应用...9
2.2.2 双边市场理论在民航领域的应用.....11
第三章 机场的平台属性分析.15
3.1 机场及其业务种类....15
3.1.1 机场的定义及基本属性.........15
3.1.2 机场的业务类型.........16
3.2 机场的平台属性分析17
3.2.1 机场的网络外部性.....18
3.2.2 机场平台的归属问题.20
第四章 双边市场视域下的机场业务定价规制的社会福利基础.....21V
4.1 Armstrong 价格模型介绍...... 21
4.2 机场业务定价模型的构建....22
4.2.1 机场业务定价模型的假设与构建.....22
4.2.2 模型分析.........26
4.3 基于双边市场理论的机场业务定价福利分析........26
4.3.1 机场业务定价策略对供需关系的影响分析.27
4.3.2 基于双边市场理论的机场定价的福利分析.28
4.3.3 机场业务价格规制导致帕累托无效的分析.30
第五章 机场业务价格规制策略研究.33
5.1 机场业务价格规制的现状....33
5.1.1 国外的机场价格规制.33
5.1.2 我国的机场价格规制.37
5.2 机场价格规制下的帕累托改进分析39
5.3 机场业务价格的规制策略....40
5.3.1 机场业务价格规制的目标与原则.....41
5.3.2 机场业务的价格规制策略.....41
第六章 研究结论与展望.........45
6.1 研究结论........45
6.2 研究展望........46
致 谢...54