公司的特点提出相应的客户价值的评价矩阵,进而通过SPSS Modeler
将客户分成四个客户价值不同的客户群。在第四章使用SPSS ModelerII
Yan Kangxi (MBA)
Directed by Zhang Gefu
Abstract: In recent years, accompanied by a comprehensive insurance
company, group, channel diversification development, “product-centric,”
the extensive development model made it difficult to adapt to unpredictable
changes in the market. Major insurance companies in the
“customer-centric” intensive management paradigm shift, loyal, high-value
customers become competing for resources.In recent years, Xiamen C
insurance market is fiercely competitive, so that a round of price wars
combined ratio rising property insurance companies, each Insurance
company profitability worrying people. On auto insurance is concerned,
was only a PICC Xiamen Branch earnings. Xiamen Branch of PICC,
how to take full advantage of years of accumulated business data mining
customer value, is particularly important and urgent.
Based on the theory of customer value management, combining the
characteristics of PICC Property Insurance branch in Xiamen proposed
evaluation matrix corresponding customer value, and then modeled by
SPSS Modeler data mining software, the final assessment of the model and
applied marketing activity.
Customer value management is the core and foundation of customer
relationship management, customer value excavation carried out, help the
market segmentation, the implementation of precision marketing,IV
marketing tools and services to make more targeted support; secondly, help
the company find customers needs and how to improve products, improve
service levels for our customers to create more delivered value. Finally,
data mining and customer value can predict the market, improve the
company's market anticipation and adaptability, so that enterprises in the
competition Everlasting.
Text separately from the enterprise and customer perspective to
illustrate two opposing customer value, from a business point of view, the
profit margin is the most important measure of customer value, specific to
PICC Xiamen Branch is the probability of customer payments; the other
side from the customer's point of view, if the customer for the company's
products, quality and price satisfaction, they would choose to buy, it can be
said is the customer renewal rate and business around the value of the
results of the game, so the paper selects renewal rate to measure the value
of the product for the customer satisfaction index. In this paper, these two
evaluation dimensions customers into four customer value of different
customer base. In the fourth chapter using SPSS Modeler in the logistic
regression analysis of customer attributes customer renewal rates and the
value of the relationship between high and low, and the logistic regression
coefficient is calculated for each customer renewal rate and the probability
of payment and the customers into four customer base. Finally, to verify the
accuracy of the data model to assess and develop appropriate marketing
programs based on the results of data mining.V
market segmentation
Keywords: customer value data mining property insuranceIX
目 录
第 1 章 绪论..........1
1.1 研究背景.......1
1.2 研究意义.......2
1.3 研究方法和思路.3
1.4 研究创新点和难点...........4
1.5 论文框架.......4
第 2 章 客户价值及其管理理论综述..7
2.1 客户及客户价值界定.........7
2.1.1 客户的定义.7
2.1.2 客户价值的含义........10
2.2 客户价值研究现状..........13
2.2.1 客户价值分类及应用研究现状........13
2.2.2 客户价值评价方法研究现状..........20
2.2.3 客户价值理论研究评述..23
2.3 客户价值挖掘综述..........24
2.3.1 从客户生命周期角度考虑24
2.3.2 从行业角度考虑........25
第 3 章 厦门人保车险客户价值管理.27
3.1 我国及厦门财险行业的现状..27
3.2 厦门人保车险客户价值管理..29X
3.2.1 厦门人保车险客户价值管理历程......29
3.2.2 厦门人保车险客户价值管理存在的问题30
3.2.3 厦门人保车险客户价值管理的必要性..31
3.3 厦门人保公司车险客户价值评价矩阵......33
第 4 章 厦门人保车险客户价值挖掘模型及实证...37
4.1 数据挖掘概述..37
4.1.1 数据挖掘概念..........37
4.1.2 数据挖掘的功能........38
4.1.3 常用的数据挖掘软件....39
4.1.4 CRISP-DM 数据挖掘的过程 ...........39
4.2 客户价值挖掘中的 logistic 模型.........42
4.3 SPSS Modeler 辅助客户价值挖掘建模 .....44
4.3.1 业务理解..44
4.3.2 数据理解..45
4.3.3 数据准备..47
4.3.4 建模与挖掘51
4.3.5 模型评估..56
4.4 基于数据挖掘的厦门人保车险客户价值管理实例........57
4.4.1 细分客户群价值分析....58
4.4.2 客户价值挖掘效果评价..59
4.4.3 客户价值挖掘的营销应用61
4.5 模型应用策略..62
第 5 章 结论与展望...63
5.1 结论.........63XI
5.2 展望..........64