本文以此为出发点,试图通过以青岛市 10 家中小民营企业进行调查问卷的
发放,对员工对所在企业的满意度进行调查。笔者选取了青岛市的 10 家中小民
营企业的 500 名员工进行调查问卷的发放,共收回调查问卷 495 份,通过对 495
关键词:中小民营企业;员工满意度;青岛市Private economy is an important part of national economy in our country. Since
reform and opening-up, China's growing private enterprises, private enterprises in
economic construction and development plays an important role. In China's current
social economy to speed up the transformation and upgrading, it caused a lot of
opportunities, for small and medium-sized private enterprises also face more
challenges, which requires the small and medium-sized private enterprises in speed to
adapt to the external environment at the same time, more attention should be paid to
the enterprise internal management, especially to strengthen the enterprise human
resource management. Small and medium-sized enterprise employee satisfaction
directly lead to the employee's work efficiency, finally decided to the quality of work.
As a starting point, this article attempts through to the Qingdao 10 enterprises to
carry out the issuance of the questionnaire, investigating staff on firms' satisfaction,
employee satisfaction from the enterprise the core content of the human resource
management, discussing influence factors of employee satisfaction, employee
satisfaction through quantitative analysis of the present situation and causes,
discusses the measures and way to improve employee satisfaction, thereby raising the
level of management in small and medium-sized private enterprises, make small and
medium-sized private enterprises to attract and retain talent highland.
Key words: small and medium-sized enterprises; Employee satisfaction;