关键词:人事代理,高校,招聘Investigation on the Current Situation of College
Personnel Agency System in Shenyang
The personnel agency system of university is the change of the traditional way to
employ staffs and it is an important method to realize socialization and marketization of
human resources, a new type management mode gradually formed in the process of
reform of the personnel system of university, and also the innovation and practice in the
reform of the personnel system. Nowadays, personnel agency system is still under
construction and need further thinking, exploration and improvement, so that it can fulfill
its role in promotion the reform of personnel system of university.
This paper consists of five parts: The introduction expounds the purpose and
meaning of this research; Chapter one is a brief overview of college personnel agency
system of the colleges in Shenyang, which introduces the connotation of college
personnel agency system and its implementation process and its meaning; Chapter two
based on the current situation of college personnel agency system of investigation and
study in Shenyang , systematically analyzes investigated data and adopts the method of
comparative analysis to point out the weakness and the strength of the formal recruitment
and personnel agency, meanwhile, this paper sums up deficiencies existing in the
implementation process the Shenyang municipal colleges in personnel agency system;
The third chapter is based on the analysis and combines with the literature date and the
existing research results in our country existing problems. It makes a comprehensive and
objective of thinking about these problems ”lack of propaganda recognition, insufficience
of power and responsibility, ambiguity of government function, informal service
management, unsound rules and regulations and non-standard security system” In the
conclusion part, the author summarizes the present situations in the personal agency
system of university and calls for which we should face up to the current situation of
college personnel agency system and existing various problems, in the context of the
reform of college personnel system, and we should continue innovation and development
to explore the personnel agency system.
In conclusion, the author thinks that the introduction of personnel agency system in