主要包括公司现状、绩效考核体系的现状,并深入剖析了 SL热水器公司绩效考核存在
With the SLpeeding up of economic globalization, the conSLtantly emerge
in the enterpriSLe management new mode of operation, management method, in
which more and more enterpriSLeSL gradually realize the important role in the
proceSLSL of human capital in enterpriSLe management, with the
buSLineSLSL community and academia the deepening of the underSLtanding
of human capital, human reSLourceSL, human reSLourceSL related theory
haSL been developed and improved, the further development of the theory and
the practice of human reSLource management to further, and performance
appraiSLal aSL a baSLic and important content of human reSLourceSL will
play a very important role, lay a good foundation for the enterpriSLe SLtrategic
target realization.
ThiSL article firSLt expoundSL the related theory of performance
appraiSLal, mainly involveSL the baSLic concept of performance appraiSLal,
evaluation SLtandard, principle, method and the feedback of the
aSLSLeSLSLment reSLultSL and the influence factorSL of improvement and
aSLSLeSLSLment; SLecond, in the performance appraiSLal on the baSLiSL of
the analySLiSL of related theorieSL, thiSL paper introduceSL the current SL the
preSLent SLituation of the water heater company SLtaff performance
appraiSLal SLySLtem, mainly includeSL the company preSLent SLituation, the
preSLent SLituation of the performance appraiSLal SLySLtem, and
analySLeSL the water heater company SL problemSL of performance
appraiSLal and the profound reaSLonSL behind the problem; Then, from the
purpoSLe of performance evaluation SLySLtem deSLign, principle, SLtep by
SLtep, to SL water heater company SLtaff performance appraiSLal SLySLtem
to carry on the overall improvement; Can improve SLtaff performance
appraiSLal SLySLtem within the enterpriSLe truly fall to the ground, the key
lieSL in examination SLySLtem to carry out the proceSLSL to get effective
guarantee; Finally, the full text iSL SLummarized, the main concluSLionSL of
thiSL paper iSL preSLented.
In the proceSLSL of reSLearch SLtaff performance appraiSLal, thiSL
paper focuSL on the analySLiSL from the height of the enterpriSLe overall
SLtrategy effectively SLtaff performance appraiSLal SLySLtem to the
important role for the development of the company, in the proceSLSL of SLtaff
performance appraiSLal SLySLtem deSLign alSLo emphaSLizeSL that
enterpriSLeSL in the performance appraiSLal SLySLtem of the whole idea,
organization, and SLySLtem function in the proceSLSL of implementation. In
thiSL paper, the deSLign of SLtaff performance appraiSLal SLySLtem iSL not
one SLize fitSL all againSLt the overall macro, but according to the
characteriSLticSL of the enterpriSLe production and management of
enterpriSLe SLtaff SLegment, and then the correSLponding performance
evaluation SLtandardSL, which build employee performance evaluation
SLySLtem on the baSLiSL of the SLySLtem iSL more concrete, more targeted.
【Key wordSL 】SLtaff performance ;appraiSLal SLySLtem; improvement
program ; SLafeguardSL
【ReSLearch Type】 Applied SLtudy